move charming blocks to their destination, make sure you don't block yourself
Collect pocket watches and move through different life stages to get trough the levels
Like super meat boy but worse. Love it!
fend off cutest dino-dragons in the past
crime scene investiagtion with a robot that is soon going to replace you at your job
Have a ghost you rewind to 4 seconds ago
tile puzzle movement game that plays every 3 of your moves backwards
Fix the hyperdrive but avoid your ghosts
try and find someone in the woods
Litte square traveling on other squares thorugh time. Nice platformer
Clone yourself with a time machine and fight sentient robots
Super cute puzzle platformer with rewind spectre ghosts.
The blade rewinders, do I have to say more?
throw the moon in the black hole and play puzzles in reverse
find time bugs and fix rhem by rewinding and going forward in time
fun little platformer with the flipping hour glass
make sure your workers don't leave by cheating their clocks
rewind tapes and serve customers
Very cool reverse puzzle game with time element
Get through a maze and obstacles but you can only press one directional key on each turn.
Really good rewind bullet type spy game, DESTROYING THE INTERNET xP
Defeat the corruption by sending the kingdom back in time and build different structures each round
Keep your toys wound up and solve smart puzzles
Swap between past and present to get through obstacles - platformer
Adventure box with dynamic world, very cute
Not really working for me. In theory a mars rover command simulator but with backwards commands
Spy groundhogs with spacetime powers.