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Display your pictures on Minitel ! JPG/PNG to VDT Minitel format
Word generator
A tool to make simple fake 3D sprites
Different addon collections contained in a single collection for Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Code driven tile based games written in Python!
Draw 2D. Get 3D.
A dialogue manager for Unity that doesn't fray at the edges.
New Music Generator from 月崇拝Corp.
Open source procedural sprite animation
Game Construction Kit for Little Sara Sister C64 game
Procedural Pixel Art Generator
A program for creating non-linear stories for games
A general-purpose tool for writing stories, be it short fiction stories or even complete novels or books.
The Pixelart Character Generator
Create your own 3D models and 2D sprites!
Voxel editor suited for 2D artist with animations and retro rendering.
Bring your piano music to life!
The easiest way to animate images.
A top down engine / template that speeds up the development process, perfect for top down games.
A Simple Timelapse Screen Recorder
Fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
Run in browser
Design pixelart effects and render them to .png sprite sheets or .gifs
Visual planning ideaboard, by indie devs, for indie devs and creatives
A branching dialogue editor for game developers. Can be used with any game engine / framework​.
Offline-first project management designed for artists and designers
Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
Easily create 3D models and 2D sprites