itch.iohttp://itch.io[DRAFT] HIGH FRUCTOSE HYPER SPACE NAV & TRAVEL, 15 Aug 2019 02:54:48 GMTThu, 15 Aug 2019 02:54:48 GMTThu, 15 Aug 2019 02:54:48 GMTI've been working on a space based module/setting for probably a month inspired by Candy Land.

It's primarily going to be a Troika! module but there are good odds at least of it will be referencing Stars Without Number and have quasi-compatibility with it.

So I'm just tossing the drafts as I transcribe up on the ether.

]]> Goons & The Eternal Caverns Of Urk, 06 Aug 2019 13:24:40 GMTTue, 06 Aug 2019 13:24:40 GMTTue, 06 Aug 2019 13:24:40 GMTI made a zine of random tables for generating weird underground caverns, and I wrote a simple RPG system to go along with it.

The Eternal Caverns of Urk produces stuff like this:

"This cavern has porous red spires, rainbow geometric trees and black moss. It has no water source and the air is sweltering and dry.

This cavern is occupied by obsequious tattooed hairless cat folk with a cultural disposition for baroque fashion. They live in colorful patchwork yurts and are seeking to recite poetry and learn new poems (and be very critical of them).

Notable wildlife in this cavern includes the shimmering fungal bear and the whispering shadow bear."

Cat folk

Caverns of Urk Cover

Tunnel Goons is included in Caverns of Urk but is also available for free separately. I think it's quite hackable and hope to build some other games on top of it.

Tunnel Goons

]]>! Backgrounds, 07 Jun 2019 19:24:27 GMTFri, 07 Jun 2019 19:24:27 GMTFri, 07 Jun 2019 19:24:27 GMT

First off, Troika! is awesome with it's very aggressively laissez-faire stance on advanced skills and backgrounds, ie make some shit up including skills. Because of that and it's overall implied science-fantasy vibe, which to me is very weird cartoon Spelljammer but also metropolitan, I've been repeatedly struck with inspiration for new backgrounds. None of these are complete, or possibly not even good, but I am going to shove them into more people's faces. And if anyone wants to jump in with their own weird Troika! backgrounds, DO IT!! I will be compiling mine at some point.

So massive text dump inc

11 Revolutionary Gundad
You fought against the oppressive regime of your homeworld. One that dictated everybot must do the work that fits their alternate form. One that would, as automation took off, kill off entire classes of bots for being obsolete. You rebelled against it, but lost your way. Now, you deal with the weight of the warcrimes you committed.
Arm-mounted fusion cannon
Crystal Slate full of pro-proletarian literature and anti-formist literature
The heart of Swole Dad McTruck?
Advanced Skills
3 Gun fighting
3 Fist fighting
3 Poetry
3 Mining
Can transform into a Pistolet

12 Nautilium
You're a well-dressed aristocratic sailor of the stars. Extremely charming to anyone they perceive as being their equals or betters. All non-nautilia are servants, conveyances, or food. You are actually a small nautilus-like creature that can gain control of any headless mammalian body, preferring those of humans and similarly shaped creatures.
Opium Pipe
Fan (club) or Pistolet
Fancy Dress (moderate armor)
Case of Calling cards
Advanced Skills
1 Pipe Fighting
1 Fan or Pistolet Fighting
2 Smoking
2 Gambling
3 Dancing
1 Chirurgery
1 Nautiloid Sailing
3 Etiquette
You prefer to eat the organs of still living vertebrates, and can giving the proper tools attach yourself to the neck stump of any vertebrate and operate it as your own body.
You can exhale opium, or other smokeable smoke, from your pipe in a perfectly conical cloud, spending 3 Stamina and requiring all within to make a luck check vs Smoking or be struck extremely languid, slow, and essentially out of combat for about 10 minutes.

13 Magical Mishap Orc
You're one of the orcs that always happens via magical oops.
BIG weapon
Animal fur loincloth
Wicked scarification Boombox
Advanced skills
3 big weapon fighting
2 fist fighting
2 wrestling 3 strength
2 run

14 Orc Exchange Student
Unlike most orcs you have arrived here voluntarily to study abroad.
Possessions School uniform
Traditional orc garb (animal fur loincloth)
Advanced skills
1 club fighting
1 wrestling 1 mathmology
1 alchemy
1 spell - random
1 spell - random
1 spell - random
2 strength 2 run
1 cooking

15 I'm Not An Orc; I'm an astronaut
You are told you are an orc because you arrived here through a 'magical mishap.' No one believes that you aren't an orc.
Spacesuit w/ bubble helmet (light armor)
Freeze dried apple pie (counts as 3 rations)
Baseball and glove
Advanced Skills
1 Shuttle Pilot
2 Baseball
2 Run
1 Engineering
2 Gun Fighting
3 Beer

16 Newspaper Stand (Yes this is JoJo reference)/ Maybe Newsie who is a stand user

21 Mousketeer

22 2.3 Pounds of Hallucinating Pudding
You are pudding, maybe. And you are hallucinating, maybe. You are conscious of yourself and the world outside of yourself. You for some reason have a rad, but conceptually disgusting bio-mech.
Bio-mech that looks totally like a normal person
Potted Succulent
Anxiety <This Is A Quest Item And Cannot Be Discarded Or Sold>
Advanced Skills
1 Strength
1 Run
1 Climb
3 Baristaing
2 Poetry

23 Kobold Banker
You were one of the countless clerks in the Bank. What you are under the mask matters not. You dress as a kobold and that's all that matters.
Draconic hat and mask
Business suit
Merchant Scales
Advanced Skills
3 Banking
1 Mathmology
2 Dragon Etiquette 2 Trading
3 Run
1 Briefcase Fighting

24 Adolescent Anthropomorphic Assassin Animal
Brightly colored wrist bands and eye-mask bandanna
Assassin weapons
The number of several acceptable delivery places
Advanced Skills
2 Sneak
2 assassin weapon fighting
2 cooking
3 Skateboarding
2 Surfing
2 Swimming

25 Swordwolf
OH SHIT THAT WOLF HAS A SWORD. You have a sword, and aren't afraid to use it.
advanced skills
3 greatsword fighting
6 wolf
2 Awareness
2 Run

26 Businessman
You were an important person, once, but after your company was taken over and liquidated you found yourself a bit rootless.
Power suit
'89 Nokia
'90s Toshiba laptop
Fly-fishing equipment
Advanced skills
1 fly-fishing
3 office software 2 public speaking
2 bureaucracy 1 drive

31 You were a businessman but now you're a slime
You were going up, but you tripped into a hole and woke up here transformed into a gelatinous slime.
Possessions Upbeat can-do attitude
Soft and squishy body (light armor)
Advanced skills
As the businessman (it's funny to me)

32 Cat-Rabbit
You're an adorable cat-rabbit thing. You can’t really speak but you love to eat carrots.
None you're a cat-rabbit.
Advanced skills
3 starship piloting
2 pew pew fighting
4 cute
2 Run
1 Acrobatics
You transform into an interstellar warship.

33 Holographic Projection from a Rock

34 Door to Door Salesperson That's it. You're a person who travels around selling things, like vacuums or brushes or some mundane thing. You're probably flustered at somehow ending up here, but you got sales to make.
2d6 Samples of wares
Shiny Shoes
Rolodex full of contact information of clients and vendors
Advanced Skills
2 Navigation
2 Strength
2 Sales
You always know either the shortest route to your destination OR the route with the most potential sales.

35 Brain in a Jar
Mysterious Liquid in the Jar
Creepy Extendo arms
Advanced Skills
3 mathmology
3 underwater basket weaving
1 piloting
2 obscure b-movie trivia
1 Lovecraftianism
1 Mycoloculture

36 Mouse on a motorcycle
You're a mouse that can talk and drive small toy vehicles by making engine noises.
Small toy motorcycle
Half of a ping-pong ball helmet (light armor)
Advanced Skills
3 Motorcycling
3 sneaking
3 climbing
6 Mouse

41 Arcanotech Engineer
You are a skilled engineer. Your decades of experience with engines of all types has certainly shaped you into the person you are today. Unfortunately your last berthing has offloaded you due the ship’s doctor declaring you physically unfit for duty. Possessions
Mutated Crab-arm (as medium beast)
Advanced Skills
3 Engineering
1 Claw fighting
2 Strength
1 Tobacco chewing
1 Bagpiping
6 Barely comprehensible human dialect
2 whiskey drinking
You feel fine. Bizarre energies just don't affect you immediately and you are in denial of any mutation effects.

42 Stowaway
Dank barrel
Advanced Skills
3 Sneak
2 Mushrooming

43 Cabin boy
You may or not be a boy but everyone assumes you are because you may or many be pretending to be one to see the worlds on a golden-sail barge
Cute sailor clothes
Locked sea chest full of disguise stuff
Advanced Skill
3 Disguise
2 Swabbing
-1 Grog drinking
1 Flirting
3 Beauticianing

44 Oblivious Tourist
You're a very wealthy but clueless personage. You somehow never clue into that you are adventuring
5x starting money
Bermuda shorts
Expensive suit
Advanced Skills

45 2d Girl living in a 3d World
You're not bad, but maybe you are, but you were definitely drawn that way.
Fanservice outfit
Assorted booby-traps
Microphone w/ stand
Makeup kit
Advanced Skills
3 Singing
3 Patty-cake
2 Trapmaking
You are in fact 3d now, but you are vulnerable any kind of solvents, they burn like acid. However, you incredibly hard to kill otherwise, you functionally have heavy armor and do not die at <0hp unless it from solvents. You do not need use a backpack to carry gear, your cleavage is an extradimensional space. Same inventory rules apply.

46 Giant Flatworm
You are a giant flatworm. Shit that's horrifying. You can exist outside of moist environments and that's even more horrifying. Despite being a flatworm, you can communicate to other people. Somehow. And I feel that might be most horrifying of all.
Penis Sword
Advanced Skills 3 Penis fighting

51 Cannibal Space Mermaid
You're a mermaid. You're from the void that the spheres hang in and you like to eat people.
Sweet rocking instrument
How to Serve Men
Anarchist/Socialist Zines
Leather Jacket
Advanced Skills
3 Wailing and rocking out
2 Cooking
2 Baristaing
6 Space Swimming
1 Normal water swimming
You can breathe the void between stars and planets

52 Rogue Rent-a-cop-bot
You're a cyberoid. This means your meat components were grown along with your manufactured mechanical ones. You're on the run because you're a rogue, a free agent. The folks who made you would love to re-ad you to inventory and lobotomize you. You just want to watch plays, read books, and other passive entertainments. Unfortunately, your nature compels you to do dumb shit like risk your life for people doing dumb shit.
Concealed and built in fusils.
Large sack full of books and crystal tablets
One REALLY big gun
Advanced Skills
3 Gun fighting
3 Fist fighting
3 Wrestling
1 Relationship advice
2 Obscure media Trivia

53 Ghost of a chicken
You are the restless soul of a chicken some brave adventurers used to check for traps
Small Beak Talons
Advanced skills
1 spooking 1 sneaking
1 chicken fighting
2 awareness

54 Late 20th Century 3/4 Ton Pickup
You're like Herbie, but actually useful.
Possessions Tow hitch
Locking Truck box full of the kinda of things folks keep in truck boxes
Built tough (always moderate armor)
Dented front bumper (damage as large beast)
King-cab with 2 bucket seats
Bench-seat that seats three
Detailed how-to guide on your make and model
Advanced skills
3 drive
4 strength 2 car fighting

55 Corpse
2d6 worms
Burial Shroud
Advanced Skills

56 Dead Traveller Character
You're a traveller character. You are acutely aware of that fact. You also extremely aware that you died during character creation.
Meta note to the player: there must be at least dead traveller character already rolled up stashed somewhere.
What you'd have received if you'd survive to muster out.
Advanced skills
What you'd have received if you'd survive to muster out.

61 Swole Dad McTruck
Once you were a soldier then leader upholding the repressive regime of your homeworld because you felt that while there were great rebuttals of Formism, that the Anti-Formists were going to far. But through time your constant exposure to the bots you were oppressing, you realized there was truth, but by then they have pulled off a coup and you became a rebel against the Anti-Formist government when they began committing warcrimes. Possessions
Big Cannon Big Trailer
Face-mask that Moves when You Talk
50' tall metal dadbod (heavy armor)
Advanced Skills
3 Gun Shooting
1 Basketball
3 Truck Driving
6 Dad Hugging
1 Bad Dad Robot Puns
You can turn into a 18 wheeler
You have 3 times the carry capacity?

62 Is that a cat or a dog
.....holy shit you can talk? You're the result of animal experimentation, or are naturally a creature that is both cat and doglike that has been experimented on. In either case you can talk. Possessions Eye-patch Large specimen ID tag or tattoo An over-sized barrette (damage as dagger) Advanced skills 3 hair accessory fighting 2 brooding
1 sniffing

63 Operator Dog
Bandolier of 6 plasmic orbs
Advanced Skills
3 Dog Fighting
1 Fetching
3 Sniffing
2 Awareness
2 Tail Wagging
2 Sneak

64 A Particularly Naughty Rabbit
Tea service Jacket, coat, dress, or similar respectable clothes. Advanced Skills 3 Tea 3 Fist Fighting 2 Sneak 2 Awareness
2 Jump

65 Some Pig
spider that reads and writes
Advance skills
3 Dance
3 Spear Fighting
2 Sheep-talking
2 airplane fighting

66 Steel-horserodent of the Scarlet Lands You are bipedal sophant that bears a strong resemblance to common mice, only you're 6'+, muscular and have antennae. Your home world has been stripped of its resources by interplanetary capitalists and turned into a desolate wasteland. While you miss your home, you feel the call to adventure. Whether you are truly a vigilante for justice against opportunistic colonizers or not, you still crave the adrenaline rush of racing, especially on a motorcycle, an extremely unusual mount outside of the Scarlet Lands.
Chopper, or Sport bike
Mechanical limb, blocky and friztng w/ built in fusil (+2 Strength), or Sweet Shades (+2 Awareness) & pistolet, or metal half-mask & multi-function flares (+1 to a variety things that could solved with fire)
Tool box
Advanced skills
3 Motorcycle fighting
2 percussive maintenance
2 Specfic weapon fighting
1 Strength

]]> Cards and Generators. Minimizing start time., 10 Jun 2019 15:55:22 GMTMon, 10 Jun 2019 15:55:22 GMTMon, 10 Jun 2019 15:57:25 GMTI put an OSR game on a business card in an attempt to have a quick game that I could pass and get a game going lickety split.
Then I made an online character generator that made it even quicker to get started.
Then I added dice rolls to the generator so now players don't need dice to play.
I'm trying to come up with another generator for creating a dungeon/adventure and npcs to knock out more prep time.

]]> Crawl Classics - any advice?, 09 May 2019 20:07:08 GMTThu, 09 May 2019 20:07:08 GMTThu, 09 May 2019 20:07:08 GMTHail and well met,

I just picked up Goodman Games' "gonzo OSR" DCC to cross off a bucket list item: I want to run Keep on the Borderlands. Anyway, I've read through the book a few times but am wondering if anyone can offer advice on this system, anything you wish you'd known? Something that's been overlooked? Anything you got wrong once or twice?

Otherwise, any and all Keep On The Borderlands advice is also welcome.


]]> Is An OSR Anyway, 17 Mar 2019 16:46:03 GMTSun, 17 Mar 2019 16:46:03 GMTSun, 17 Mar 2019 16:46:03 GMTit's been explained to me so many times but i still kinda dont understand what makes games OSR beyond designers saying 'i'm part of this broad design movement'.. what makes OSR, OSR? mechanically and philosophically?

]]> are your favourite OSR modules?, 21 Mar 2019 14:20:34 GMTThu, 21 Mar 2019 14:20:34 GMTThu, 21 Mar 2019 14:20:34 GMTI don't typically play OSR games, but I have found nothing more creatively stimulating than listening to the Fear of a Black Dragon podcast and free associating about game design.

What are your favourite OSR modules, and why? What do you look for? How do you run them?

]]>!'s introduction to RPGs, 16 Mar 2019 05:23:35 GMTSat, 16 Mar 2019 05:23:35 GMTSat, 16 Mar 2019 05:23:35 GMTThe new, numinous edition of TROIKA! -- Daniel Sell's acid-science-fantasy RPG  -- is out.

It has wonderful art, tight and evocative anti-canon writing, and perhaps the best and pithiest introduction to roleplaying games (of the OSR-y / traditional / art-punk-y style?), yet:

I thought it appropriate to kick off these sub-forums with that.
