itch.iohttp://itch.io "Hint" at Optimal Dice Combinations, 19 Mar 2023 04:23:11 GMTSun, 19 Mar 2023 04:23:11 GMTSun, 19 Mar 2023 04:23:11 GMTPeople that tabletop game often are skilled at looking at rolled dice and calculating totals with mental math, but this is a skill that is developed over time. It might make the game more accessible to more new players to 'recommend' (visually indicate) a suitable combination of the active dice when mousing over an item.

For example, mousing over Elven Arrow might highlight a combination of active dice that equal the cost to transform back to Elven Bow. Mousing over Elven Bow might highlight the combination of dice that would inflict the most damage.

This 'hinting' stops short of making any decisions on behalf of the player, but it could help make the learning curve less steep for people less experienced with tabletop games.

]]> Distinguish 50/50 Dice, 19 Mar 2023 04:07:39 GMTSun, 19 Mar 2023 04:07:39 GMTSun, 19 Mar 2023 04:07:39 GMTThe decision on whether or not to use the reroll trinket is a risk vs. reward decision, where the risk is giving up the rolls you have now, and the reward is potentially getting better ones. Weighing the decision means considering how good the current roll is vs. how good it could be. When mentally evaluating the odds, whether or not the remaining active dice are 50/50 or not is a significant factor - e.g., a 6 on a D6 50/50 isn't as 'rare' (statistically unlikely) as it would be on a normal D6.

Doing something to visually distinguish 50/50 dice (shade them with a different color? invert them, black dice with white numbers?) might make scanning the active dice to make that decision easier for the player.
