itch.iohttp://itch.io died with a dino, when I restarted, I had that dino again!, 20 Feb 2018 02:39:19 GMTTue, 20 Feb 2018 02:39:19 GMTTue, 20 Feb 2018 02:39:19 GMTya, that, had that dino when I ran out of time, and had to start over, but when I did start over I had him  still.

]]> when viewing controls menu in game on MacOS, 21 Feb 2018 19:54:33 GMTWed, 21 Feb 2018 19:54:33 GMTWed, 21 Feb 2018 19:54:33 GMTOn my slowpoke 2016 MacBook running High Sierra the game locks up every time if I enter the "controls" menu while in the game.  I can view the controls menu if I select it from the main menu before entering the game.  Screenshot attached - the game returns to the game screen in the same state as before I hit esc, but hard locked.
