Posted October 20, 2024 by Hermetic Library
#anthology #music #news
Hello there!
For my part, I’m still sorting things out for the upcoming MMR and TINAHLAA releases this year, but everything is progressing as it should, but meanwhile, here’s some news from Anthology participants to check out!
PANICMACHINE released Recall Distant Earth And Plaintive Mists by P. Emerson Williams
Xemporium just released FEV PUNKS and WBQ VIEW by PDH
Troy Schafer released Untitled No. 8
PseudoNovalis’s ARTISTA di MERDA released Shortnin’ Bread BooGIE! [ReduX] and EPIC FAiL [Also]
Steven Brent released River of Life (demo)
Phineas Narco (National Cynical Network) released Donald Trump is Elvis & Mojo Nixon is Everywhere by THC
Khan Kurra released 全盛時代
Johann Heyss released Dar As-Salam
Blasting Rod added some new physical vinyl merch to Mojave Green
Also, there's a bunch more, less anthology related, to check out at the post on the library blog.
Finally, of course, be sure to check out the entire anthology project at Hermetic Library, here on Itch, Bandcamp, and in all the digital streaming and online shops.