Oh hey, you can post stuff here?! Wild! Well then, I might as well let you know that I've just launched a Kickstarter to publish the complete graphic novel collection of The Last Band On Earth in print! You can check that out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/emwill/the-last-band-on-earth-a-graphic-nov...
The Last Band On Earth is a graphic novel I've been working on since 2019. It's the story of a noise rock band called The Dead Layaways, who are trapped in a dystopian/semi-post-apocalyptic city ruled by demons. The band wants to escape so they can go on tour in whatever might be left of the world, and this whole thing may or may not be a thinly-veiled metaphor for depression.
I know I have a small handful of followers here, and a few of you have bought all five of the chapters I've posted here, so I thought you might like to know about the Kickstarter - please check it out and share it with anyone else you think might dig it. (It has less than $500 to go till it's funded, only 2 days after launch, which is pretty exciting for me as I wasn't expecting that!)
Thanks, and I'll see you round! :)
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