Hi all,
I'm creating this blog post to update you all about the state of the game, and to reassure you that I am still working on it, as I am aware that I haven't mentioned any updates or future builds for a while.
I apologise for the lack of updates or new builds, I would say i've been fairly 'busy,' but in truth, alongside my day job, I may have sunk a few (hundred) hours into Elden Ring since it's DLC dropped.
All jokes aside, I am in fact still working on the game, so here's what to expect in the next build, based on some of the feedback I've been given, alongside my own vision for the project:
Most of these are done, all I have left is the HUD rework. This may take a while, as I am currently having difficulty with this process, but it should be done relatively soon once I figure it out.
That's all for now, see you in the next blog!
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