Hello, i'm not sure who really follows this blog/page anymore, but i would still like to give notice on my departure from the rpg maker community. I stated leaving about 3 years ago, thinking lemons' dungeon would be my final little project. I came back a couple of years later. I wanted to feel accomplished releasing something to this community and i thought xenophobe: descent was going to be the game to do it. Of course, i was incorrect with this feeling as i still do not feel quite accomplished. Playability and interaction/insights are not the reasons i have decided to retire from the community, as i do not wish for notoriety, i just wanted to do what i enjoy; Telling stories through videogames. RPG Maker could not perform the things that i wanted to accomplish, though it is a very good resource engine, i still did not feel accomplished with any of my work, as i am doing it all alone with borrowed resources, which is fun for hobbyists such as myself. I used a few of my own resources for my final game in the community, sprites, music, tilesets, and a unique story, but i still feel unfulfilled. Aside from some having no idea how to run things, despite given clear directions is normal, so that was not really a bother to me at all. There are also other matters that impacted design with said community/engine. Still as unfulfilled as i am with rpg maker, i still wish\wished i could have contributed something worth it to said community. Not only am i departing from the community, but i am also sort of rebranding(?) for media purposes. I do not know what i will do with this, and i am not asking anyone to wait for it. Thank you for your time and i enjoyed being apart of such a fun community. Maybe there will be something here for a proper farewell? Who knows?
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