Yeah I'm honestly not sure what to say. It's been a while. To be fair I have been busy and it has been difficult attempting to keep up consistent communications. Busy with what? Well five things at a time. It's the best I can give for now. Now what do I say, other than the typical "Oh I feel X" that isn't true? I guess all I have to say is I'd better get into the swing of things again. That much is true.
Well at least it isn't bad news. All of you out there following me have really made some great things. Each of you have a bright future ahead of you. Please don't think your talents are worthless, because they are probably the greatest things I've seen in a while.
I mean wow, the asset packs feel like they should be in an AAA game, and the games I've played are really nice, they're programmed very well.
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