This past week I have been working more on the dungeon generator and how it's blueprints work. As the main thing I am trying to find out is if we can create custom rooms that have spawners and other objects inside it. So far I have found that it should be possible to do so, but the way to do so might not be the way we want. Essentially I need to do one of two things, the first thing I would do is create variables in which we can pass in entire rooms, that aren't the room templates that come with the dungeon generator asset, which would allow us to upload preset custom rooms that we make and use the hallways created by the generator as the pathways to each room that we can use. The second thing would be use the room templates that are inherent to the generator and upload other variables of the custom assets and use some random coordinates to put those assets into the dungeon itself without having them be outside the rooms rt in the hallways.
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