Mainly just play/bug testing the next few days and popping the music in and the Steam demo will be ready. It's very cut down from this version in terms of content, but I went with the two player ships and enemy factions that are currently in my opinion in the best shape play-wise. I'm still allowing infinite play, with beating the first boss being the "win" condition of the demo. Shortly after wrapping up the demo, I plan to post another rough current build here shortly after, with the various polishing passes AND some of the new content that's been made for testing (there's 6 ships in total, though 2 are still rough. I might squeeze the 7th in first as it'll be easier to bring up to speed being close to the first with a different loadout and art is ready). Nervous as things aren't polished across the board as much as I'd like, but I try to remember its my first.
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