I've noticed something, in relation to working on the game. It seems that if I start typing out a thing here, even if I don't feel like working on the game, haven't started, etc., I will inevitably end up working on it. So, I can just get 'er done!
Anyway, really now I have spent a lot of mental power thinking about things to do in the game. The first thing I decided was to separate the ship's hull from the ship itself. The ship will be an encapsulating object, and I'll attach my "modules" to it, as necessary. So, why have it deal with object detection when I can attach that to the hull. Let's see if it's as easy as I hope.
I need to think about my object interactions too. Like, right now if space junk hits the ship, the space junk blows up, and I think that's about all that happens. The ship needs to take damage from that collision. Obviously, the ship needs a "health" component, and that's where the hull comes in. The hull will take over the collision detection for the ship. Did I say that already?
Let's put that into action! Oh yeah, I also wanted to strip the pickup too. But I have to address my collisions first! We start there. I strip the empty "pickup range" object off the ship, since it'll be reworked completely. Now I create a new empty object as part of the ship prefab. Call it BasicHull, give it a script machine and make it a prefab of it's own. Oh damn, I need to strip out the ship movement from the ship too, push that into "thrusters".
So, most of what the ship was previously doing will be taken over by other objects. Man, this is gonna get complicated. And I'm working from my laptop, so only a single screen. So instead of big sweeping changes to graphs, I'll make preparations for those, and other smaller, yet important, changes.
Like, changing from PlayerScore to something like Experience, and Currency (why not both?!). Okay, breadcrumbs have been left for future me to follow! This may not be much progress, but it's still progress, so it's great! Alright, that's all I feel like working on today. Maybe I'll do better tomorrow.
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