Yes, I have returned to posting
Sorry I’ve been inactive, been busy with stuff
Anyway, I added a new category to the discussion boards of my games:Events and Tournaments
It is a category dedicated to setting up and announcing events and Tournaments, perfect for games that have multiplayer, time attack, or are competitive in any way shape or form
Anyway, a lot has changed
For one, I’m also on isotopic game store and newgrounds now(The adventures of purple collection is uploaded on both of those places)
Second, since I left, I noticed the HTML engine is changing and save data might be erased. Thankfully, for the fancade games, this shouldn’t be an issue if you have a fancade account with backed up save data as you should be able to load it again. As for the regular HTML games, try backing up your saves and downloading back once this change is made
Thank You.
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