is community of indie game creators and players

GitHub Live + v1.3.5

Hi Everyone!

Version 1.3.5 is now live featuring several bug fixes, stability improvements and finally the source code open source on GitHub.

Thank you to everyone for your patience and help with the project, your bug reports were incredibly helpful in isolating the following: 

Specific changes new in 1.3.5 include:

  • Ground up refactor of save system which decreases save file size dramatically and speeds up performance writing to the system
  • A bug introduced in the last update is now quashed, where stepping does not show the "stock finished" popup. 
  •  Now trades do not reset the brush
  • Auto Continue is more reliable on legacy systems
  • Some quirks with brushing smoothed over
  •  Various other issues, like the year not updating in realtime. 

Thank you again for your continued support and for your interest in the project. 

- Chris

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