Hey everybody hope you guys had a good new year and an amazing 2023, cause today i'llthrow a little bit of light on two of my projects for
this year, but is going to be explained on a...well different manner, i'am doing it so then my game mechanics and ideas don't get stolen early, copyrighted by someone else and then C&D by said theft.
now i'll give you a idea on the 2nd edition of "meet the deadline"
you are one amongst thousands, all similar and samey upon
a single company, upon a single objective a single and tight
deadline that by each passing days getting closer to yourself,
you have only your willpower and three pillars to reach your
deadline, th only thing stopping you will be all the potential
angels and demons of your surroundings that you can
barely control.....
well that was weird, but don't worry i'am not going to explain all my game updates like this, only when it comes
to specifically explain my game mechanics.
Now about that story i was working on, i had to rethink the story a little bit and realised that i was
biting more of what i could chew, so now instead of being a work of Alt-his is now just a story
set on a infernal setting, it'll still be a prototype to see how is received and see what i could change
for the future if i want to turn it unto a series.
well as i said i was beginning to bite more of what i could chew so i tought that i had to slow down on a couple of aspects
of my own projects, this is better than trying everything and mismanagement my projects, anyways i hope you guys had a good
2023 and i really hope you guys have a good day.
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