Small update today, got the endgame mechanic, Load Bearing Columns working and fully functional, now I need to clean up (and add) visuals and scene transitions and all that will be left after that is designing levels, which I have made a start on, making the first of the levels in the mansion, a simple tutorial level demonstrating the gravity flipping mechanic.
In this GIF you can see the functionality of the Load Bearing Columns (red) which move all objects on an opposite floor when pushed, essentially shifting the entire other floor along with them.
Speaking of level design, I have made a start, designing a basic tutorial level designed to demonstrate to the player how the gravity mechanic works by creating a one-dimensional situation which, when combined with a little creativity on the player's part can be solved with the application of the gravity mechanic.
Unfortunately, as you can see in both of the above GIFs all objects on both floors are still visible to the player regardless of floor, this is what I will be aiming to fix tomorrow morning, and hopefully by the end of next week I will have completed level transitions, as well as a suite of levels.
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