1. One of the big reasons / techniques on why email marketing is a good thing is because when you have a audience and you have a marketing brand from people you can use email marketing technique and use a Newsletter Email technique this is a great way of giving updates on your product to users or any sort of information that may be private that you want to keep to certain people that is on your email list of people you only want to send too. (Vero 2023). So Newsletter Email Technique is very quick and short but very affective as it can get quick updates to yo in a quick way and it can be done private to certain people (Vero 2023).
2. Another good email marketing Technique is by using Transactional Emailing and this is a good technique to use to keep the people that you are emailing up to date with everything that maybe they have paid for something to do with your product and what conformation and by sending this type of email. (Vero 2023). Will let them know so they can be kept up to date and this can be put on a trigger to certain people that you want to send it too which is very beneficial(Vero 2023).
Vero (2019) Data-driven: 3 important types of email marketing - vero blog, Vero. Vero. Available at: https://www.getvero.com/resources/types-of-email-marketing/ (Accessed: March 1, 2023).
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