Hey gamers!
Jumping into coding and developing the HyperLove demo in a month was one of my highlights of 2022. I learned so much about my own creativity, Python coding, Ren'Py, and actually pushing things over the finish line.
Over the summer and autumn I worked on the delightful Life After Magic VN and made a lot of new friends in the space. If you haven't checked that project out already, please do!
Also toward the end of last year a little thing called Stable Diffusion came into the public eye, and now more than any time in history we are asking about our relationships with artificial intelligence and creativity. I was previously using the online service ArtBreeder to generate images of Adam. The ethical debate around the training of AI using published artworks without the artist's consent gives me pause as to whether or not to continue using AI to generate Adam's portraits or not. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.
There's also lots going on in my life right now so I cannot make promises about timelines, but I do hope to begin a second wind on this project this year. It's been so long that I've forgotten most of what I learned about gamedev and Python coding, so that should be interesting!
Hope you're all well, Happy New Year, and maybe some day I'll have more to share with you.
Until next time,
Gwyn 馃挏
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