Hello guys, Hikiyami Moriko here, in blog post form, it's been a while since I was allowed by god to exist once again, I'll spare you all the details of my misadventures and hardships, you just need to know I am back, yet again, new year old me, but with a lot more resilience, if you are only interested in recommending me games to feature you can skip to SECTION 2 of this post, if you care about me or something read SECTION 1.
It's been 3 weeks since I last posted any content or were active in social media, although I won't go into personal details about this, I do owe everyone an apology for just disappearing and generally being in a low mood during holiday season, in short I got scammed by someone close to me for a lot of money, ended up moving to an even worst place to live far away from everything and everyone I know and this new place ended up having a lot of problems that just make everything worst.
I was (and kinda still are) at my wits end and didn't want to make any content that was just me complaining about how awful life has been treating me, I took some weeks to work hard IRL, so hard in fact I fell sick and couldn't even move for a couple of days, I broke my pinky finger and to top it off I caught the dreaded C virus, I am OK now don't worry.
I am trying to keep my head up and make this Vtuber thing work this year, hopefully I can rally some people behind me and we all can have a good time and I can finally make something out of this.
If you are here to suggest a game for me to play on the channel just read the quick FAQ bellow and feel free to comment, I have quite a backlog right now but I tend to give priority to recommended games, new developers or new games.
Finally I would like to mention that I will read and check all the recommendations but due to time constraints It may take a while for me to play the game or may not play it at all, regardless I appreciate all the suggestions.
Finally I would like to thank everyone for your time reading this and recommending me stuff, let's make this 2023 a great indie year!
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