If just two years ago you came to me and said that I could create an awesome-looking game without any art skills, I would have laughed you out of the room. Today, that's exactly what is possible.
For my game, Beyond the Sphere, I needed pixel art planets and space backgrounds. Instead of jumping in Aseprite and trying for days to create the needed assets, I just opened the two related tools from Deep-Fold, and started inputting values until it looked good! The tools we barely had even just two years ago are incredible.
When I wanted to jump into 3D, I didn't get stopped because of not knowing how to use Blender. I either used one of the many websites with free-to-use 3D models or took a material or two from the Quixel Megascans library. You do have to be using Unreal Engine, but that was a bonus for me, as it's quite an easy engine to use.
Overall, it's quite a beautiful time to be living in - so many tools available we didn't have before! And they aren't even low on quality either. With these tools, one person can manage to create what would have required tens if not hundreds of people. We may not be the most peaceful a species can be - but we also aren't unhelpful to each other.
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