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Questions for jam

A topic by Kiyklik created Nov 08, 2023 Views: 39 Replies: 1
Viewing posts 1 to 2
(1 edit)

1 Is it possible to use assets of other authors?

2 Is it possible to use pre-created materials?


3 Why is the topic known before the jam starts?


Hi @Kiyklik, 

I will state this info in the gamejam overview soon, but to quickly answer your questions:

1) I've originally thought that the answer here would be 'no', that all assets should be created during the gamejam. But if we hav enough people join, I could end up taking on a ruleset like Ludum Dare,  where there is a 'Jam' and 'Compo' to choose from - the 'Jam' allowing you to use freely avaliable assets and work as a team, with the 'Compo' being a challenge where you work solo and make *all* assets during the gamejam. I'll confirm this closer to the gamejam kicking off. 

Ludum Dare rules here for further reading:

2) Same answer as the above for 1) ^

3) The topic is known ahead of time because its the general theme of the gamejam. I could very well throw in an additional secret element or theme to be annouced the moment the gamejam kicks off as well, because that is always a fun thing to have. This could be something the judging panel suggests and then votes on! So I do have plans to do this, again stay tuned for more info ahead of the gamejam's start time being finalized. 

Also please note I have pushed back the start time for the gamejam again, this gamejam will kick off at the same time as the dearMoon mission launches - there have been delays here in the Starship program so the exact date of this gamejam is TBD.

More info:

Thankyou for your questions!