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how was jam for you guys

A topic by ciringa_men created Nov 01, 2021 Views: 162 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 6

As my first Jam was obviously I didn't do the best job possible and that's why I would like to know how Jam was for you


it was really fun haha, my first jam as well


This is my fourth jam in a row. At first, I considered quitting or just providing a short demo. I ended up finishing the game in 5 days because I was having a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I focused too much on the graphics and the music, but didn't realize the game was too hard and people haven't been able to enjoy it to its fullest. However, making it was really fun and I honestly enjoy playing it a lot. So I guess it was a nice jam experience, although I'd wish I made the game a bit easier so everonye could finish it!


I am very happy with how my game turned out! There is only 1 game breaking bug which is fine because it doesn't happen that often. Other than that the game looks like a finished game, however I'd like to add more to it, so I am surely going to work on it in the future.


It was a great experience:D I had a lot of fun but yea since I am a bad gamedev.. I submitted a very slow paced and badly made game.. still I had a lot of fun and hope that I get better :D


Honestly I'm finding more enjoyment in playing all your games than pay attention to the score of my game. I come here to the jam at the end of the day thinking in what new weird games I can try today :D Well done everyone!