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Run for your life!
Submitted by TheSoulSelector (@SelectorSoul) β€” 5 hours, 28 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Enjoyment (Best Game)#203.9173.917
Sound Design#293.7503.750

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Genuinely pretty challenging and fun survival game with chaotic, bouncy controls. Hilarious narration and storytelling setup make this game shine a little more uniquely. I'd love to have a more punchy restart after the first use of the skip to the introduction!

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Nice little and basic game, i love the story telling, it's quite fun. The version tells me you want to keep working on the project which i find great! Keep on going with it.


Thanks. My mind is racing with possible ways of taking this game loop. I shall see how I feel in the coming weeks.


This was fun! Well done :)




The voice acting was really really good and this is also one of the few games I've played which have felt like they have a complete story behind it. Well done there! The music and audio also fit very well too!

Maybe someone else has pointed this out already, but you should definitely start the timer from when Charlie gets unleashed rather than (I assume) at the very start of the game. I lived way longer the second time I played but my timer was at like 29 seconds whereas the first time it was over a minute.

I'd also love more info like a little arrow indicator on Ralph showing which way he'll go when you release or a power meter.

Overall super fun game though!


Thanks for the feedback. Putting the survival time in was one of the last things I did and I think I've just referenced the wrong variable in the code. It was late is my only excuse. You are not the only power indicator request, I did think about it, the movement is done by adding force to the rigidbody which is not that precise and has a different effect depending on how little Ralph is already moving. I liked the slightly chaotic outcome and how it forces you to just cope with what's happening. Putting an indicator on screen might have made it feel broken when it was actually intended so I opted for a cleaner UI. All stuff I can play with if I take it further. Here's to the voxels fellow cube fiend.


A very fun mechanic and great sound design, The voice acting was well done and pretty clever, The only thing I would add is a quick restart button which skips the starting dialogue section.


Thanks. Yeah I've since had a bit of time to play it properly and agree a quick restart is needed. That 10 second wait is OK if you had a good run, but if you get killed quickly it is annoying to wait for it.


Hey SoulSelector & co!

Really fantastic game! I had a blast playing it and just kept going back to see how long I could last, but a silly goose killed me :')

A couple notes after playing:

  • I agree that the music needs to be turned down a bit in game. I absolutely loved it but it did kind of overlap with the narrator and make it hard to hear.
  • The bouncing is awesome but some sort of feedback,  maybe a power meter or directional arrow of the applied motion vector would be extremely helpful. There were times where I wasn't sure if I miss clicked and a jump didn't go far or if the game itself wasn't registering my movement

What I liked:

  • The music is awesome! I was jamming out in the main menu and then once I got into the actual game I was rocking tf out! Great job :D
  • The game is so silly and really pushes itself into being such a silly experience -- absolutely fantastic. I was having a blast while simultaneously freaking out that I was going to get obliterated into a puff of meat voxels.
  • The narrator voice was so good. I love the voice lines as well when you skip the story -- had me dying!

Very excited for this project to be continued because it is a ton of fun and has a ton of potential! Fantastic job.


Thanks so much for the comprehensive feedback. I am really pleased you 'got it'. I have a history of making games that are hard to get, so it was really nice to stumble on an idea that was easy to pick up. It's part of the danger in trying to come up with original game loops, that and having no idea how to pull them off and plan the time it might take. It tickled me that you said hello to the & co, I guess that's my kids who were forced into play testing so I could have a break. I shall make sure their reluctant work has been recognised. 


Love how adorable this game is, good stuff!


Poor Ralph, poor Charlie. 


This made me laugh more than any other entry and I kept replaying. Really enjoyed gradually seeing the other murderous critters throughout town. The voiceover was hilarious but I got a bit taxing on replays. I feel like if there were different batches of randomly called voiceovers so you weren't hearing the same one over, this would make an excellent party game.


Thanks. I am pleased you had fun. As soon as the jam started I was focused on trying to offer some horror light relief. I totally agree that a dynamic voice over would be really cool. This is the first time I've used my voice this way and I found it very challenging to get started on it. It is very much outside of my comfort zone. I'm pleased I forced myself.


That was fun and really clever. The narration was awesome (especially when I skipped after restarting).


Thanks. I'm glad the voice acting didn't go to waste


This was fun and creative! The narration was fun and I appreciate that the skip cutscene option acknowledges and quips that the player is skipping the cutscene.
I think a visual indication of how charged up the jump is and it's specific trajectory would be nice - it didn't feel like there was much feedback for it


An indicator could be interesting


5 stars enjoyment! This game was so much fun to play. And the narrator is extremely creepy. Such a nice concept but very well executed. 


I am so looking forward to watching this


I've just watched it. I am a little drunk from a night out with friends. It has brought me joy to watch it. Many thanks. 


The Narration was absolutely fantastic.
I wanted to keep playing due to what the narrator was saying...but I couldn't make it passed 1:31. Rip me.
 The bouncing was a ton of fun
The different areas posed different bounce threats and targets and size. great idea.
The music volume needs to be turned way the heck down, it was pretty hard to hear the narrator.
Some bounces really goofed up when i know they were full power

Really good overall!


Hey man thanks for both comments. Pros and cons very useful. I had plans for audio settings but just ran out of juice. The thrust is definitely not 100% reliable. All things that can be worked on. Cheers.






Great game. After surviving for I think almost 2 mins. I retried and skipped the dialog and the fact I get called out for it was fantastic.


Thanks. I am a bit notorious for not getting around to making tutorials in my games. I tend to run out of time so it was a real focus to get it done right. Once I committed to the voice acting I realised the tutorial needed a skip option and it kinda fell into place. 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Man, this game was a lot of fun but it's not running that well for me, I hope it gets updated eventually. 

With how colourful and lighthearted most of what's happening is, the fog seems kind of off. I mean, I guess you are trying to save the dog but it's not really horror so the way the fog looks with how grey and ominous it is doesn't really fit with the atmosphere the gameplay creates. 

I wonder how this game would play if it either went all in on being colourful and fun or on being sp00ky


Thanks. I know it needs a lot of optimisation. I did get to do some before the submission but it was still quite demanding when I had to submit. Did you find the quality settings? Putting it on low does help a lot and does not look terrible. 

The fog is really just to help reduce clutter. It was a bit hard on the eyes being able to see it all at once. 

I agree that it has non spooky potential. My partner is terrified of dogs, but likes the nice parts of it. I am mulling over other ways to play with the loop. I was going for tension rather than horror. Inspired by how horrible the dogs are in 'Inside' by Play Dead. The moment they either get you or you escape was my starting point. 

(1 edit) (+1)

ahahah i really liked it, the story telling was very funny. I arrived one time at 2 minuts then i saw the ground full of dogs and i said, OH NO. very cool game


It does build up after a time! I am pleased you liked it. My kids have been play testing for me, they have been right stressed out.


I got killed by rabbid chickens, 10/10 best game.


Those chickens are hungry! I am delighted you enjoyed it.


Wow, this was amazing. I had a laugh playing this. And the audio, oh the audio is amazing. What a rush feeling I had running from Mr.Pickles(Charlie). You did an amazing job!


Thanks I appreciate it. I rarely come up with ideas that I think are funny and that I want to make. This time it just sort of happened. Probably the most enjoyable game to make for a jam so far. I am pleased Mr Pickles joined in...


Pretty. The narrator's voice sounds so serious in contrast with the visuals and that's funny


I was always trying to balance silly and scary


it’s look like mine craft


Ok. Is that a good thing?


if it horror yap and else yap too =D


nice) I liked it!



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