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Living SpaceView game page

Move into a dorm and get to know the inhabitants.
Submitted by poohcom1 (@poohcom1), koomah โ€” 1 hour, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Enjoyment (Best Game)#183.9443.944
Sound Design#1123.2223.222

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I made a video of your game. 


Game was spooky and great! I liked how you go to each sections of the haunted school to complete the mission. The final part of the game where I was being chased by shrieking banshees reminded me of "Fatal Frame," where I had to keep the ghosts away by using the camera.


Amazingly Done! I had a wonderful time playing! Nice work!


Pretty nice game, the vibes are spooky and the graphics are simple and good. The only complaint I have is that the sounds were a bit too loud and I had to turn down the volume a quite a bit. Normally I have my volume at 28, but I had to turn it down to 5. Nice job!


Pretty good. Walking through corridors, cryptic puzzles, and general vibes reminded me of Silent Hill series! Even despite simple graphics you managed to convey the atmosphere! Good work!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The breezy sound in the beginning annoyed me a bit but other than that this is an amazing game. It felt like I needed to make fast decisions, do I use a film here, can I remember where the coffees are, those kinds of things. It felt rewarding and being able to save easily takes out the grind aspect so the game doesn't overstay its welcome. I love this!

Edit: forgot to type "The breezy sound in the beginning not looping..."


Nice vibe!! I love it. Some parts are giving The Witch's House.


This was a fun experience, keep up the good work :D


It was fun to play.

The gameplay is simple as it can be. Graphics reminds me Omori and Undertale a lot. Pixel-art at the end was incredible. Overall, good game ๐Ÿ‘


This is a fun little NES-style top down horror adventure game.  I would tone down the walking sounds, but I think this is a nice game!


That was really fun! Played it to the end. First encounter with the ghots spooked me up :D I took some time to find the hearth room but i managed to find it somehow. It would be great if stunned ghosts disabled their collision boxes. It was kinda annying when they block the path you are trying to go throgh. Overall i had fun time, really cool entry!


I really like the sound, although I found the walking audio to be a bit grating. I wasn't able to finish the whole game as I found the West Wing a bit frustrating to get through but I really like the graphics and the camera mechanic.


I had a lot of fun with this one. The only problem I had was that the final key for the heart didn't seem to be anywhere on the map, even after going to the room I was supposed to go to. I loved everything else about this submission! Good job.

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for playing!

BTW, I believe the last key you're referring to is the one in the C1 shelf in the library (it's kinda just placed on top of the books). 

Edit: OH, I just realized I may have written the wrong shelf number for the hint, that's embarassing xD. Thanks for pointing this out.

One of the best games I played this jam so far.


I like the aesthetics of this game, keep up!


Nice indie horror feelings, very cool minimalistic art. Enjoyed the gameplay. Some eery music could make it even better, and maybe the chances aginst the monsters are a bit unbalanced, maybe with some more time it could be optimized a bit better (maybe more rolls, or slower, fewer enemies), but it is  very good submition, GGs!


I like the setting and art but I got confused on where to go so many times.


Where do I go when i'm out of the room hearing knocking on the door? I tried everything and didn't get how to proceed :,C
But I like the atmosphere!