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A jam submission

Space Scrap ShuffleView game page

Join and rearrange modules on your ship to fight your way to the warp gates
Submitted by Finite Reflection (@finitereflect) — 22 minutes, 20 seconds before the deadline
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Top Marks#1n/an/a

Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Joined Together - Your ship is comprised of multiple, individual modules that can be attached to your ship at any spot. This means your outermost modules will take the most damage and your innermost modules will be safer, however you can rearrange your modules at any time my jettisoning individual modules and reattaching them to different spots for different configurations. NOTE: Unfortunately there is a critical bug in the jam submission that causes enemies to stop spawning in Sector 6, you cannot progress past this point at this time.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Deleted 2 years ago

hope you’re able to enjoy it once your computer calms down!

Deleted 2 years ago
Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Awesome entry! I spent quite some time fiddling around and had good fun! Some things I noticed:

  • Would have liked a keybind for Target/Clear all
  • More interaction while playing, maybe more movement abilities, currently I simply circle the enemy ships, I didn't feel like I could do much in terms of evading incoming shots.
  • You can never have enough different block types :D
  • Not sure about the Tactical pause. Certainly depends on your vision, without that the game would be a lot more action focused. Then again, one can simply choose to not use it.
  • Show the health of modules which are not at 100% without hovering over them. (Maybe only while paused?)
  • At some point the move controls got very unresponsive and I wasn't able to steer/accelerate properly anymore. Pretty sure it was because of my ships size, some kind of engine power to size ratio in the UI might have helped.
  • I found the "static" layer of stars that follow your ships every movement kind disorienting. The ones behind, which create the parallax effect were great though.

I could actually see me play a few rounds of this here and there outside of the jam, good job! :)


Thank you for the detailed feedback! I really loved Slimer too :D


Well this was definitely a unique one amongst the jam games, and really sucked me in to play a lot of it.  Though it definitely got monotonous after a little bit since I ended up with a behemoth of a ship with just endless turrets and everything.  I do think it wasn't supposed be actually usable though since the turning and straight directional movement stopped working, but diagonals still did (good ol' annoying diagonals).

A few points though to be more specific:

  • The base systems are great so much variety, you can make enemy ships with it obviously, and change up the players ship to fight in different ways.  Focus on front defense and speed or all round defense etc..
  • A big problem for me though was the monotony of it, since you run out of new blocks relatively fast.  Not to mention there's really not too much interaction with the game directly since you're just moving and targeting stuff.  Or just tanking sometimes.  So more blocks types (obviously) would probably be a welcome change (but it's a jam game sooo) 1 or so per level probably.
  • Another thing is the fact that there's not really any landmarks besides the main portal.  They would definitely help spice up the gameplay, maybe some asteroids, or an enemy base or two?  Planets maybe but then I feel like they'd need a bit more variation, whereas asteroids are simpler.
  • I feel like it's the same point but enemy variety was also a bit lacking, obviously a jam game but I figured I should mention it, though they did seem like they tried to have some interesting setups so maybe that's more down to the incredibly broken ship I put together.  

Alright well, now that I've nitpicked.  This game is coool!  There's some awesome ideas and some awesome execution, just with some variety missing in my opinion.  I'll definitely be coming back for any sort of post patch tho.


wow!! Thank you so much for all the detailed feedback. We will definitely take this into consideration.


Great game!

Attaching more modules and growing my ship was super satisfying. I got a little carried away, and ended up with a turret behemoth w/o engine modules, haha

I bet writing code to manage all the modules was tricky, very impressive for a game jam


thank you! We definitely bit off a bit more than we could chew haha


Loved the idea.  The gameplay is very clean and enjoyable. And the art stylr is realy neat.

Just a tiny feed back, the game can become too easy quite fast as you pickup more & more turrets. maybe adding a bigger tradeoff to adding too much module would help balancing that.

Except for that, It's all very awesome. Absolutly loved it and would definetly love to see more of this.


I though I had it with this magnicifent beast but.. I was wrong.. :DD ... This game has oddly familar feeling....  .. Very nice, I really enjoyed the experience! 


My most favourite game from the jam! Just well done. Like everything, from graphics to gameplay and fits the theme perfectly! really crazy to think this was done by 1 person? Wow just wow..


Thank you so much! Also this was not made by one person, we just have a singular account for our studio. This was made by two people, Kartik and Eric (you can see our twitter links in game!).


You guys did a really, and I mean REALLY good job! 

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you so much! Really enjoyed the style and execution of your idea too!


Thank you so much for submitting such an amazing game XD. I love the gorgeous graphics and the extremely well-fleshed out mechanics and level design. I hope you extend upon this game, it is super addicting :]


Great game! it is definitely challenging. I like how you can strategically rotation yourself to provide protection for your ship, super cool mechanic!


Thank you! Really enjoyed playing your game too!


I think it's the most fun space combat game I've seen on this jam ! I have seen a lot of similar concepts, but I think this one works particularly well, with the active pause system and the ability to rebuild your ship as you want. I think it would need enemies a bit bigger, to force the player to focus weak points instead of just spamming the core, and make full use of the cool mechanics. 

Graphics are pretty functionnal, Maybe the ship base could stand out a bit more, to show better where to shoot, for many enemies I destroyed what I thought was the core, only to discover that the core was actually right next to it. But that's a really minor complaint.


Excellent feedback, thank you!


Very cool idea and excellent execution! The one thing I'd love to see more is to have a bit more hotkeys for things, instead of having to use Q/E to rotate, maybe rotate by have the ship looking at the mouse. Or have middle mouse button act as a "Target all" hotkey or such. That way I wouldn't have to give up full control of my ship with WASD to rotate or have to finnick with my mouse to get my turrets to target an enemy.

Those are just minor gripes though, your core is really well done! Are you planning to develop it further? I can imagine this kind of game on Steam with some more content and features. The base is very solid! Excellent job!


Thank you for the feedback! We definitely have some plans, and I agree- quality of life improvements would be the most important stuff to get right as we continue to work on this.


Ambitious idea for a 48 game jam but it's executed really well. It has intuitive controls and mechanics that fit the theme really nicely and I could definitely see where this could go if you wanted to expand on it after the jam. Really fun game! 


Cool concept that was really well presented :)

It was easy to grasp and fun to play :)


Thank you! Enjoyed your game too!


This game was so fun to play that i think i played it for like 30 minutes. Really nice take on theme.
One problem i faced was that rotation on some point became so slow that my ship did not even move. I'm unsure if this is a bug or intended like this. Anyway a rotational engine module would be nice.
Another thing that would be amazing is binding attack command to a button on keyboard (Like in Starcraft 'A' to attack)


Thanks for the feedback!


became unstoppable space-garbagepile, would recommend


This is a pretty fun game! I like the whole vibe and atmosphere. Killing enemies and stealing their modules until you become a gigantic warship is very satisfying! I also think this is one of the more creative implementations of the theme. Good job!


So satisfying to make your ship larger and larger! Had a lot of fun playing it


thank you for rating and playing it on your stream!


This game is quite underrated. It's a lot of fun to play. 

Though I think I noticed a small bug. When I'm really big, pressing only one movement button is really slow, but pressing two (for moving diagonally for example) I move like 5 times as fast.


Thank you for playing! And yeah there is definitely something buggy about movement that we will be taking a look at post-jam.


This might be my favourite game of the jam. I love how you can build an absolute monster of a spaceship. 15/15!


Thank you so much!

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