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PUGB - BattlegroundsView game page

A pug and his tank show the cats what's up.
Submitted by PcKaffe — 1 day, 11 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 47 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How many people worked on this game total?

Did you use any existing assets? If so, list them below.
Music from White Bat Audio. Textures for Blender/Substance from, not used in Unity in a "as is" fashion. Sounds and stock photos(for texturing) from Pixabay. HDRI skybox from Unitys asset store(free). The Text Mesh Pro and Terrain Tools +samples Unity packages.

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amazing. A really funny premise well executed. Great Job! 


Great job for committing to the pug-theme  - hilarious. I like the touch on the crosshair and the flying cats when their pod is destroyed.

The explosions and smoke trails look great.

The movement of the tank feels very appropriate for controlling a tank - well done.

It's a fun lil horde game.

Great job creating a game and submitting!


T(h)anks for the great summary and for playing! The flying cats was me accidently turning off gravity for them and noticed that they were flying up from the explosions. Just leaned into it a bit after that with the smoke. :)


Hilarious idea, gameplay was fun too. Would be awesome as an expanded game with different types of power-ups other than the guns (more health or something?) but the increasing guns definitely fulfilled their purpose of becoming stronger while not making the game endless in order to receive a highscore. Good job!


I overlooked this because I'm dyslexic and didn't notice the pun. Glad you linked it on discord. Gorgeous game - if I didn't know better I'd have thought it was UE not Unity (I know you can make beautiful things in Unity but most are more cartoony). 
So much fun, at first I was like ok, pretty slick, the firing isn't too hard. can't drive a tank but that's nothing new. I can barely drive a person. Then I died and came back with 2 guns and then 3.... I've never been so excited to die. At one point I did wonder if the game would ever end or if I'd just keep getting more guns!
My only feedback would be more guns! I want the most ludicrous tank with at least 10 if not 20 guns haha! That and maybe a "lives" counter but once you've played once you know what the deal is.

Submitted (2 edits)

The first thing I noticed was that while I originally expected the environment to have that “online textures” look, the textures fit together surprisingly well. You did a great job making sure your art was consistent with itself, and I think visually your game holds up very well for jam purposes.

I had some issues with input lag in WebGL(edit: I meant to say Wine) and particles flying over enemies at times, but beyond that I liked the number of small touches across the game. Having the cats fly to space covered in ash and soot was an unexpected extra detail I didn’t expect.

All in all, this is a very competent and well made entry that gets its point across well enough. By the end, I was concerned that the tank would start getting a second row of projectiles. The game doesn’t overstay its welcome and I think it’s a pretty impressive ten day package.

Nice work!


thanks for the great feedback. Could you elaborate on the webgl thing? I didnt do a webgl build.

Submitted (1 edit)

Ah, it was a couple of days ago that I played this so I misremembered. I played this game in Wine on Linux, which is where my issues came from; a native build would most likely run without problems. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this in Unity games and I’m fully aware that it’s on my end.

Sorry about that!


That explains it, thanks for clarifying. Maybe I should upload a Linux build, or at least try it. Cheers!


In most cases Unity is very compatible across platforms; you’ll only feel the difference when you get into video codecs and external resources. Unfortunately, our game used both. :’)

Let me know if you get a build for linux up and I’ll gladly test it for you!


I got a linux build going, and I patched a few things. Give it a spin if you feel like it :)


I'm so glad we have the pugs on our side. Those cats can be quite the hunters when they're equipped with alien gear! I sure had fun blasting them :)


glad to hear it! Thanks for playing.


This game was a lot of fun. The visuals were very impressive and it looked and felt very clean to play. Good job.


Thanks for playing! :)


Haha this game is so hilarious and chaotic, and great fun! Audio and visuals are top notch. I love how each death makes your tank even more ridiculous. My only improvement would be to add a visible crosshair or something as my mouse cursor kept getting lost amongst the carnage. Great job on the submission 😎


Thanks! Yes, I agree completely but I didn't have time to make it decent.


Crosshair is now a thing. In the game Thanks for suggesting it. :)


This game is just simply awesome! There are a few directions you could take this if you continue development. Some way to recover health would be nice. As a dog person, launching cats into space is extremely satisfying!


Cheers, yes a health pickup would be a nice addition along with other pickups!


Thank you for the game. I really liked the controls. I am no big fan of these mass shooter games, but it was fun for a while. 


Thanks for playing it. :)


Ahahaha this was awesome! Even my cat liked it, so that's sayin something XD


Thanks for checking it out and pet your cat from me :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Love the game, but maybe make the forward movement of the tank based on the camera position because sometimes I had to press back (S key) if I wanted to move forward. Also making it so that the barrels destroy the cats when they blow up would be nice.


Yes making it clearer what is front and back on the tank is one of the top critizisms of this game. I'm not sure about changeing the controls to fix it, a more visuallly clear model is probably my take on how to fix it. Most other tank games also use this control scheme (gore tank, hydra tanks in this jam for instance).

The barrels are a good point that nobody else brought up. Thanks for playing!


Awesome game and high marks all-around! It has great replayability. I'm not sure if my shoots going over the cats was a design choice. Other than that, great job!


Nah it's a bit wonky I know :) I think the projectiles are a bit too fast so they clip through the colliders on rare occations. Or maybe it depends on performance. Not sure on that point!


I found the issue. Just adding a crosshair was enough to solve it. Check the latest dev log if you want to know why. But thanks for highlighting the issue so I focused more on fixing it!


Nice visuals!

Could use more cannons :)


good point. Well thougt out. How many do you need? :)


Ahh, there's nothing like watching a bunch of bully cats gets blown to smithereens. Kind of gives me the same fuzzy feeling as Exploding Kittens (a card game I love).  I know someone else who would appreciate this too, because he's been stuck with like 8 cats in his house and absolutely hates them, so I'm totally gonna recommend this to him.

On a different note, I love the sound and explosion effects, very neat! Something I had issue with was that a lot of my projectiles seemed to be going under the cat minions? Through? Not sure, but was missing them in any case, despite the direction being correct. There might be an explanation for it, but I couldn't figure it out.

Anyway, great game!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the great words! Sorry I didnt reply earlier. I have fixed the projectile issues you mention. The collider were actually already touching the ground. What caused the appearence of going under the cats was a missmatch between where the mouse was on screen and where you actually aimed. I solved it by making a crosshair and offsetting it slightly to compensate. And tweaked the hitbox a bit on the sides. 



Really good game, good looking, sounds are good and fun to play.

Love that each time you die you get an upgrade to the cannon to make it slightly easier


Thanks so much for the glowing words and the follow! Im not sure how active I will be here after the jam but its great anyway.

Keep working on that brain muncher of yours :)


generally speaking, I would prefer to kill dogs as a cat, but still: strong package!
you deliver well on all fronts: quite multi-talented!
VERY clever name as well ;-)


Wow, very action-packed. Loved the twist on PUBG lol. An amazing interpretation of the theme and overall amazing arcade game!


Nice arcade game! Loved the gameplay loop, and really fun to play! 

One suggestion, I think the tank should not be symmetric so that it's clear what's the forward direction.

Nice done, loved this game!


Thanks for the nice words and feedback. I will definitly think about that more in the future, you are enterly right about it being unclear what is front and back.


I added red and white car like lights on the pugtank to make it clearer what direction its facing. Thanks for the feedback regarding that!


Dang! This is probably my favorite game of the jam so far. Even more than my own lol. Super cool idea! I loved how you worked the theme into there. Everything was so well done and cohesive!


wow thanks! Im sure you found other great games by now but that wad great to hear! I will try to get to your game before the timer ends!

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