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GhostmanView game page

Puzzle your way through the darkest of dungeons filled to the brim with undead ghosts and save the love of your life!
Submitted by Lewis Marks — 11 hours, 4 minutes before the deadline
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This was a very well made puzzle adventure game! I definitely appreciate the clever puzzles, the visuals and mechanics were great, and the music is something one can just drone on to while trying to figure out the puzzles. Overall, I really enjoyed your game! I hope you develop something like this further! :)


Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed :)


Definitely! Keep up the great work! :)


Hey I played your game shortly after the submission deadline and loved it, but lost track of it between my own frantic bug fixes and have been meaning to find it again!

You did a great job on the presentation and made it super intuitive to jump into playing. really inspires me to step things up on the intro/tutorial side of things for my next project or any further updates I make to my jam game.

I also enjoyed the game all the way and thought the simple pixel art was super fitting.  Definitely a game that I'd be excited to see expanded upon further.


I'm glad you were able to find it again. I really appreciate the positive feedback. It's great to hear that we're learning things from eachother! Thank you :)


Very solid entry, well done! I had the same music used as a placeholder in one of my old projects... took me a second to realize why I recognized the song!

This plays and controls pretty well. You did a good job of introducing the core concepts of the game in the early levels, but for some reason, I couldn't wrap my brain around how the followers interacted with things. It's like there were one too many unique interaction rules and I couldn't quite keep it all in my mind. Some of the latter levels felt a little frustrating to accidentally hit a ghost and not be able to undo and have to redo all the box maneuvering again. Still a good game, great entry, and solid concept. Congrats on making something so complete for your jam!

Keep making games!


Thank you muchly for playing and leaving the feedbacks!


Took me a while to get level 5 and I was totally scratching my head by level 8 but it was a fun little game, nicely polished and interesting puzzles


Haha, glad it's making ya think. If you ever wanted give level 8 a second shot, there's an auto-save mechanic implemented so you can go straight back to it. Thanks for playing!


Clever and fun game, loved playing it. Well done !


Thank you for playing! :D


Excellent puzzle game! Well done!


Thank you for playing! :D


very clever game mechanics! my head started spinning at level 8 and I had to take a break at level 10, and then I came nack and found out, that you even realized a auto save mechanism? super impressive!


Thank you very much! I'm glad you came back to give it another try :D Good luck with the rest!


Easily my favorite game so far. Great work!!! The only note I would make is to include a button to rewind a couple of seconds. There were multiple times where I accidentally moved too far to one direction and had to redo a minute's worth of set up. Good submission. I would easily buy a full version of this.


Wow, thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it so much! Yes I also 100% wanted to add one in but it was quite difficult for me to learn how to implement it at the time. It'll definitely be in if I make a full version!


One thing you  could do that is potentially easier than rewinding a set amount of time is to rewind to the last time you grabbed a heart or died. Every time you die or grab a heart, you can save the positions and states of all of the ghosts, boxes, etc. The rewind goes back to the previous state. Just a thought. Hope it helps!


That's a good idea! I'll have to change a few things in my code, I currently destroy objects in the game when I can just make them inactive. Thanks for the suggestion!


Really great puzzle game. I got to the last level and reunited with the love of your life, but I feel like I should've done it differently... Came close to the flag, but missing something. I'll try again after I take a break. Very well done!


Wooo! There are multiple solutions to some of the stages so there's not really a wrong solution ^_^ Thanks for playing!


Loved it! Will return to finish it (now trying to rate more games). Stuck at level 7. BTW, does the cat do anything?


Thank you very much! The aim of the game is to find your true love ^_^ Your progress is saved so you'll easily be able to get back to level 7. You'll find more about the cat the further you get through the game ;)


Loved it! Will return to finish it (now trying to rate more games). Stuck at level 7. BTW, does the cat do anything?


This was absolutely fantastic! I love Baba Is You, and I definitely saw the resemblance. I'm very impressed that you managed to come up with your own original puzzle mechanics that still managed to clearly show where their inspiration came from, and I'm especially impressed that you managed to make so many puzzle levels within the jam time. Puzzle levels are time-consuming to make and test!

I managed to get 2 endings. I'm not sure if the others are implemented, but I spent quite a while trying to find some! I think I might have spent longer on this jam game than any other, or nearly.

I had fun and was challenged, everything worked smoothly, you have great puzzle mechanics, and I don't think I encountered any glitches. Very well done!


Congratulations for completing the game! You've completed 2/3 endings ^_^ the 3rd ending is implemented and grants you the remaining 5 true loves. I'll let you know if you do try that it is truly challenging find! Screenshot your start screen for me if you get it!

Thank you muchly for playing until the end. I'm glad you enjoyed.


Ahh, so I was only missing one ending! I was trying out so many things on level 12, trying to get as many hearts as possible, clearing out specific paths of ghosts, and interacting in various ways with the little confined rooms, just in case there was another hidden ending. :') I shall give it another try, and see if I can find it!

You're very welcome! I truly enjoyed my playthrough. A very polished entry.


Haha, I'll give you a hint since you're trying so hard! It's on level 14 ;)


Thank you! :D I did suspect there was more to this level than I had discovered, when I first completed it.

Ah... I think I see what I might need to do. Wow, if so, you weren't kidding about it being challenging! I've been trying, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that, even though I really wish I could. :')


Great puzzle game - although I'm stuck on level 5 so I'm clearly an idiot.


Really nice game that last puzzle...XD


Haha, Thanks for playing! :D


What an absolutely brilliant puzzle game!
I'm blown away by the depth and amazing sprite art!
Some of these puzzles were real mind benders, I'm astonished that you were able to create these in such a short time!
Absolutely amazing!


Thank you muchly for playing!


Pretty fun game. Love it, I was about to finish the 12th level but when I reached for the heart, the player got booped outside the wall. Made me rage quit XD. Most of my issue was its hard to push the box right where you wanted, I would prefer if the player could hold and pull/push the boxes. It was hard to solve the puzzle even when I knew the solution because of the boxes. But all in all, Super fantastic game. 


Thank you for playing! That's rough man, sorry about that. Appreciate the feedback. I hope you come back and give it another go!


Managed to finish the game this time. Awesome stuff!!


Wooo! Congratulations :D


Wow, what an awesome puzzle game! I love the mechanics, the music and sounds fit the theme and aesthetics so well and the puzzles/levels are really thought through. Amazing work!


Thank you for playing my man! Glad you enjoyed :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is a very polished game. Incredible level design, nice puzzles. I know puzzle are very  hard to do in a Game Jam so much time to make sure they are interesting, fun, and good! Great Job on this entry.  You also nailed the Baba is U feel. 


Thank you a lot for playing! It's great to hear that you enjoyed :D


ah cool - I liked this game! - keep it up!


Thanking you muchly! :D


Great game and a great adaptation of some of the BaBaIsMe elements. Also very nice progression of levels and complexity. Reached level 10 and am stumped at the moment. have to come back later to it.

One thing I wish it would have is the "one step back" like you have in BaBaIsMe. Restarting the level because you misjudged the height of a person does not feel great.

Thanks for the game.


I totally agree and would also love to put in a "one step back" feature. Unfortunately that is one of the features I couldn't implement due to my lack of technical knowledge. I'm hoping someone tip me off to a simple solution during this gamejam.

Haha, thank you a lot for playing! Good luck getting past level 10!


In the end, you are looking for a command pattern. This might describe it: Command Pattern in Unity - Infallible Code

This game has a replay mechanism, wondering if it can be jury-rigged from that: another one that does this is ... Both use the system for other means, but you might be able to build something that allows you to go back a move.


Yeah I read about the Command system while making the game. I'll see if I can learn how to use it when I have more time. I'll check out those two games when I get back tonight.

Thanks a lot for helping me out on this! Really 'preciate it!

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