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A jam submission

PerishView game page

Small game for the GJL 2022 based on the topic "Every life counts"
Submitted by SenileJane, BrentCarins — 1 hour, 16 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
3D Art#231.3151.571
Use of Theme#282.5103.000
Level Design#361.9122.286
Commercial Viability#371.6732.000
User Interface#381.6732.000
Technical Accomplishment#381.6732.000
Original Audio#390.8371.000
Use of Audio#400.8371.000
Itch Page#400.9561.143
Art Direction#401.3151.571
Game Design#401.6732.000
2D Art#430.8371.000

Ranked from 7 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Number in Team

Does your game include Art packs?

Does your game include Sound packs?

Does your game include plugins or pre-coded content?
Yes, Unreal engine third person starter content

Please provide a full playthrough YouTube video of your game.

Please provide a link to a 30 seconds gameplay YouTube video of your game.

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I liked this concept. Cool idea!


I broadly agree with everything said below. There is a good deal of potential here but as it stands there are a few too many moments that break the spell and are annoying. Even when progressing I did not have the pang of satisfaction that is needed to drive me on. It's worth working on further but as it stands it just feels like a good game without enough time spent on it.


My laptop couldn't handle the game, so unfortunately I couldn't play it. However I did see the gameplay video, and the game seems great! Especially liked the graphics and models. If you don't mind, could you check out and rate my game?


I did quite enjoy the gallows humour in the dialogue that could suggest a larger story should you decide to expand on this, and I do really like the idea of every death not only helping to quell certain obstacles but to also help open things up metroidvania style, but the level design itself feels very VERY cramped with low ceilings, tight hallways and narrow hazard evasion windows with little room for error.

Couple that with the awkward head bobbing camera and it makes for some awkward circumnavigation. I'd prefer if there was no third person camera at all and that your team defaulted to UE4's first person template to start out with instead (that, and pressing F to interact is far less intuitive and direct imo than simply clicking on a subject would have been).


Yeah we agree using third person was certainly a design oversight and we do wish be had it be first person only, but by the time we realised how much better it would have been it was too late into the jam to change it around whilst streamlining the first person with things such as the awkward headbob, it certainly would have made the map design a little less daunting as a player too.

Thank you for the feedback! We will certainly take this into consideration in future projects and maybe even this one if we choose to continue development.


Nice concept! The narrative is simple but engaging, there is a mystery behind the game. It's not everyday we see people delving in unreal, congrats. I think the next step would be to have some sounds and music to help with the immersion and perhaps fix a bit the the interaction trigger.

Good use of the theme!


Thanks for the feedback!

I do completely agree with what you said, the lack of music and sounds does certainly hurt the game and this is something we do want to delve into creating in future game jams.

With the interaction triggers this is something we also picked up on in testing but we had other priorities to get the game ready by original submission however we should be uploading the polished version hopefully today which does have a fix for the trigger being somewhat inaccurate.


Yeah no worries! A two people team in a one week jam is quite difficult to deliver a completely polished game. My comments were for you to improve post-jam, because I think your game as potential, since it has such a good narrative hook!

Will be eager to play a future version, if you keep working on it post-jam!