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KickPunchView game page

8-bit Retro Beat 'em up with Game Boy Graphics
Submitted by KENAMICK Entertainment, n3tn0de (@n3tn0de), afonsocarlos (@afonsocarlos97), lampeightaudio (@WillTonna) — 1 day, 12 hours before the deadline
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Theme interpretation#203.9233.923

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Great Job! This really brought me back to playing old beat 'em ups at my grandma's house hahahaha, a real throwback to the old days. And this was a great recollection of those times! I sure haven't played a beat'em up in a long time, but this was a great experience to have again! Nice art style for this game's theme and even mechanics to fit, only thing I did have to mention, whether it was intentional or not, an easy way to deal with large groups of enemies was to gather them all on top of each other and any attack would hit all of them, either way, it was satisfying hahaha. But again good job on the game!

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

I had this dream last night that I ride a unicorn and there were rainbows, and the clouds were made out of candy, and the Care Bares where there offering me popsicles, and my heart almost bursts with joy. 

But, your comment ericlee. Your comment beats all of that!

Thanks a lot for playing! Looks like you've had tons of fun and that makes all of us extremely happy.

Oh, I almost forgot. About the large groups of enemies hits. Yes, well you know what they say - One man's bug is another man's feature.  :)


Good Beat'em'up. In the "act 2", I tried walk on without fight, and sudently, about sixteen guys trying to kill me...hahaha...
I don´t know if is a bug, but I got the end of screen in the act 2, but nothing change in order to take me to the act 3.
Great job!!!


Thank you for playing Guilherme! :-)

In order to go to Act 3 (The Roof Fight), you need to enter the last door you see on Act 2. It will get open as soon as all enemies are defeated.

But yes, this definitely needs to be improved in the game. Thanks for pointing that out!


Nice game !

I feel like punching is more efficient than kicking which is slower, and the fact that you can't hit when invincible is a bit weird :o


Good point Sygmei! Balancing a fighting game turns out to be harder than it looks. 

Notes taken and we'll have to improve that.  We can't let those kicks go to waste. :-D


Great work! Speeding up the overall pace of the game would really make it sing.


I've never liked beat 'em up games, but I must admit that the result is quite pleasing to the eye.

However it's a bit slow on the walking part. Maybe it's a browser issue?

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Nice! I had fun playing and reminded me of games I played as a youth! My daughter loved it as well.


Great work on  the game !!!!


Beat'em'up classic