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basic dungeon crawlerView game page

Submitted by urbandrei — 13 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall fun and playability#712.9432.943

Ranked from 35 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Theme incorporation
You are a cultist in a ruin performing a ritual, so it has both ruins and cosmic horror.

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Very short game and simple, but compelling as you added each item to the pentagram.  Maybe something could happen at the end, instead of a congrats message.  Like something appears.  Not much else to say.  You managed to do a lot with extremely little.


Short and sweet, fairly simple. Art looks nice, too. I honestly don't have much else to say. Lol.


Nice small crawler. I like how you differentiate things by just using two colors, makes a lot of sense. It felt really nice and I don’t know what to add here. Making it longer (I mean bigger with more things to do, more quests etc) will always be a great thing, but I don’t know if eyes will get tired of this color scheme, which works great for a short game.

Great job!


Thank you for trying my game! I do plan on making it longer after the judging period :)


Hey! Finally got around to play this for myself and I have got to say it is very impressive for how tiny it is! I really like the game design around looping the player through the rooms around the circle.

I think my biggest complaints are twofold: the inability to step back (ha da death or two due to that) and having to start over when dying. I know due to the limitations o how it was made that perhaps checkpoints may have been hard to implement though.

I am curious, is there a pattern to the crabs' movement, or do they just pick directions back/forward on the circle randomly? It is sometimes annoying that you get trapped between two, duck into a room, and then have to wait for them to make up their mind about which way they're going to leave. Doesn't happen too often though, so I'll give it a pass haha.

Anyway, other than those minor things, this really was a very solid, bite-sized experience! Doesn't overstay its welcome and every moment of it is meaningful. Good job!


Hello! I’m glad you got to play the game!

The crabs motion is like this: they move in one direction until they hit a corner. While in a corner, they have a 50% chance to take a break, a 25% chance to go back the way they came, and a 25% to keep going around the corner.

 I debated adding step back, but I decided that it might lead to unfair deaths. Maybe I’ll play around with adding it in the next version.

Checkpoints would be pretty easy to add, the main reason why I didn’t was I wanted to keep it somewhat difficult while keeping it short. Adding checkpoints with the current content would definitely make it too easy. When I make it a bigger game checkpoints will definitely be a must though.

I’m glad you like it, and I really appreciate your feedback! You might see some of it implemented when I start working on it after judging is over :)


Very fun. I was building a mental map of the level and then the crab added a lot of pressure to that, but the very quick respawn after death made it fun to die and restart and not a chore. I almost grabbed graph paper!


I’m glad you liked it! I actually built a map making tool early on, and you can technically build any map you’d like with it and just copy and paste it into a variable! I’ll post an image of the in game map here tomorrow 👍


Yes please do!


Black is walls, red is doors, yellow is candles, blue is skeleton/book. (skeleton is in bottom left, also it is the first of the last two missions).




Nice minimalistic game. For some reason I could not figure out how to use the key on the door. Or was it supposed to be used somewhere else, played to that point three times without luck. I liked the pace and style of the game. Good job!


Thanks for playing the game! You can just walk through the door once you have the key 😅 thanks for letting me know that wasn’t clear, I’ll add something when I remake the game 🤔


Yeah I sure tried that, but there was just a sound playing. tried walking backwards and sideways into it as well. I think you have a bug there.


Just double checking, were you trying to walk through the red door or the white door?

If red, what browser and version are you using?


Yeah, I apparently the error was me, I tried the white door. Replayed and could enter the red one (didn't notice that one for some reason before). I think I finished the game, At least the ritual was complete. Also I just realized backwards and sideways does not makes any sense to try since it isn't allowing strafing nor backstep.


No worries, I just realized that one of the instructions that specified the door color was missing, so that is definitely on me. Completing the ritual is the end of the game, I wish I had more time to add something to make it more final 😅

Thanks for playing my game, sorry for the hassle 😊


I was definitely missing the ability to move backwards and strafe whenever I saw the spiders coming towards me. It's a neat game, although once I figured out the gameplay, the challenge was mostly just that my visibility wasn't great. I definitely enjoyed the simple, retro graphics.


Thanks for the feedback! Is there anything you think would increase the difficulty that I could add?


You could add some additional rooms with enemies that also move in a regular, repeatable pattern. The gameplay is just how well you can recognize the pattern and avoid each enemy.


This is actually what I plan on adding after judging is over, more or less.! I wanted to have the game last 10ish minutes and be moderately difficult to beat. I do really appreciate the feedback, and I hope you'll enjoy the updated version in the future!


I died a couple of times.

Its a pac man dungeon crawler!

With a build the the monument goal.

Love it.


Thank you for playing my game!


Short and to the point! Quite the impressive technical achievement, especially after seeing on stream just how the game was built, haha. Captures the essence of the crawler exploration. I'd say you could expand it!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you! I definitely will, probably after judging is done though :)


Nice graphics and movement. It's simple, but that hust makes it that much more enjoyable!


Thank you!


As the name says, it's a basic dungeon crawler. The graphics are simple, yet elegant. The movement is also simple, but implemented perfectly. The premise is simple, but leaves to the imagination what really could have happened after the ritual was complete. I enjoyed this one alot!


Thank you for playing the game, I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Wonderful!  I love the simplicity and elegance.  Took me a few tries, but I finally managed to summon an old one beat the game.  It's nice that once I knew the layout I was able to have a model of where the spiders crabs were in my head and could zoom through it at times.  Would have been nice if pressing "S" or the down arrow either stepped backwards or didn't play a sound as if it did something, that confused me at first ^_^.


This is a little technical, but I really should’ve moved the sound deeper into the logic tree, where I actually move the character around, and not just at the start of the key down event. I think all the keys make sounds, theoretically 😅

Thanks for the feedback!


I saw this game several times on Discord #game-jam channel and I wanted to play it.

I liked it despite the simplicity of graphics. I had a jumpscare with one of those bugs!

Gratz! You didn't even use an engine ;)


I promise you, if you saw the code, you would be less impressed (if you want nightmares inspect element while it’s running)


I did it xD 





Love the graphics style.


Thank you! Not gonna lie I feel a little lucky with how a couple turned out (the flames especially)


Short, but well done. Graphics and music convey the ambiance/setting very well. Nice work!


Thank you! I was really iffy about the music, I did all the audio in the last hour and a half XD


Minimal, but I liked the graphics. I could see this style being polished into a nice little game.

Some kind of weapon and monster interaction would help here too - but nice.


This is a retrospective, but in a longerish game, I was thinking the knife and candles you pick up could have DEFINETELY have been used to fight off the crabs, or even bigger enemies. I really didn't have time though, the crabs were added very late, at Zuuperdan's suggestion. Thanks for the feedback!


Very simple, but feels complete. No bugs detected too :D


I'm glad you liked it! Funny story, right before submission, I was trying to beat the game once through to make sure all the systems were good, and I was doing really badly, so last minute I dropped the difficulty by 20%. I was REALLY raging XD


Loved the low res aesthetic, so simple and easy to read.  I got eaten by the crabs a few times, but enjoyed having to carefully plan my route back to the pentagram.  

Nice sound effects too!


Thank you for the positive feedback! I was going for a 90s retro arcade feel, and I'm glad people are liking it!


Man what a cool tight experience, and the art is sick! No notes really,  super cool.


I'm really glad you liked it!


Nice job! great presentation and atmosphere! art style was great!


Thanks for playing my game, I'm really happy you enjoyed it!

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