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A jam submission

Dyin' to LiveView game page

A little puzzler that's to die for!
Submitted by flavedogame, fading-event-608, liukaichi — 21 hours, 55 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#34.3224.322

Ranked from 118 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
as a virus, you have to kill your host to spread to more hosts

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?

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Viewing comments 97 to 78 of 97 · Next page · Last page

Really great set of mechanics! The art and polish was pretty good too. Great work!


Kinda like my game but has better music,graphics,leveling,zombies and 2d pixel art


Thanks for submitting your game to the stream!

If you wanted to check the vod again in the future here it is (games are separated into chapters with yours being the second chapter)


Oh my god, this game is literally perfect! I can't believe all sound effects, music, art and animation were made from scratch. Also the levels are designed extremely well, with the new mechanics being introduced in a great pace. As someone who made a (somewhat) similar game myself,  I am really impressed with the amount of well thought out content. My only suggestion is to make the movement smoother by allowing the player to hold down a button to go in a direction for multiple tiles.

Also I remember playing your (flavedogame) submission to Dani's jam about a year ago. It's really cool that you work together with artists to make even better games now!


This was great! Clever mechanics and a well thought out series of levels to teach how stuff worked. Excellent job!


Love the puzzles! 


Played this one for a while! I thought the puzzles were really well paced and the loved how you introduced the mechanics! The puzzles were really well designed too. I had that "oh thats how it works" moment many times throughout the game. Also thought your graphics were cute! The game idea also really cool and unique, it fit the theme of the jam really well while not straying far from the core mechanic you were going for. Great job!


Solid Game really enjoyed playing it and it was a fun puzzler! Good work!


Cool Game! I really liked the gameplay idea, it fit the theme really well. Puzzles were fun, yet challenging, too. Great Job!


I had so much playing these, very well executed. Great job!


Wow this is really really amazing! The puzzles are so clever and the story, art and music are so good! You should finish this and launch it to steam! Awesome job! :)


Fantastic theme application, lots of great puzzles too!


Clever puzzles and good level design that gradually ramps up the difficulty. All good! 


I really liked the game, every level is like a really good exercise for your brain


Nice game, I'm really happy to see a game that has gameplay prioritised above everything else and it's not like graphics and audio are not great too! Very good game, love the puzzles, reminds me of "baba is you", great job!


This game is really awesome!!! The puzzles were well designed, and the sounds and visuals are well made, This is the first puzzle game I play were the level design was well thought of. It is very clear that you put a lot of effort and thought into this game.


This game is really awesome!!! The puzzles were well designed, and the sounds and visuals are well made, This is the first puzzle game I play were the level design was well thought of. It is very clear that you put alot of effort and thought into this game.


Loved this game so much, the music is such a bop! I hope you continue working on it! It was really fun!


Your game is amazing! I love the graphics and the attention to detail. It's clear you put a lot of effort and passion into making it

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