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Vanguard DeltaView game page

Battle corrupted Cyber Knights
Submitted by Polysplit Games (@polysplitgames) โ€” 1 hour, 3 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
BOSS DESIGN#14.2634.263
ART / VISUALS#44.6324.632
SOUNDS / MUSIC#273.7373.737
USE OF THEME#1502.7892.789

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game's take on the theme
You take parried attacks into health restoration.

Did your team create the vast majority of art and music during the game jam?
Yes for the art, music is outsourced.

Did your game use PlusMusic?

Did your game use Playroom?

Did your game use generative AI art?

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Really strong and unique art direction. The enemies have distinct movies that can be learned and are challenging enough. The only critique I have is the lack of outlook that feels necessary in this kind of combat. Overall really impressive, show a lot of technical skill. Good luck on the jam!


Hi, thanks for the feedback! Btw, by "outlook" did you mean point of view? If so, yeah I did find that a bit of an issue so I kinda put a system where the camera should go closer to the player whenever near the boss, should help focus on the target. But unfortunately the trigger is slightly broken on that. I got that idea from Power Stone game by Capcom, if you're familiar. If you have other ideas on how to solve the issue, I'd be more than willing to try it. Thanks again for playing the game! ๐Ÿ˜

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Really cool game, good stuff! I think I'd want the shielding mechanic to be less forgiving though as I'd just spam it when an enemy would attack instead of really properly timing it. By the time I got to the the third boss I beat him on my first try because of this, not really a bad thing but I just feel it should be more of a risk for the reward given. I also think it would've been cool to focus more on that exchange and maybe make it required to defeat bosses. Other then that though this game was so awesome, visually I love it and I played on a controller which felt great. This should be one of the top games for sure.


Interesting to hear your take on the shield and I agree. That still sounds fair for the player. I guess a bit more knockback, animation that locks the player and slightly more damage could be the trick. Also I do find the third boss lacking as well, but usual reason is just lack of time, I slapped him altogether in just 3 hrs lol. As a spoiler, he has magic moves that I didn't include as it wasn't as polished. Also thanks for trying it with a controller, nice to know it's playable that way for others ๐Ÿ˜„


Haha all good, we had the same thing happen for us for our 3rd boss in our game. Not enough time to really finish it up right. Awesome stuff though man, I really enjoyed your game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is one of the best games I've tried so far. The art is incredible, it has a truly professional feel to it. I beat all 3 bosses, they're unique, fun and challenging, but don't feel unfair. The controls felt mostly good, except for a couple of points, if I could add a bit of feedback, it'd be:

I feel this game could benefit from a sort of auto-lock feature. You could maybe add a button to toggle between having the boss locked as a target or not, and while your movement would be the same, when you have the boss locked your character would attack/parry towards the boss, it would help make it feel a bit smoother. Especially the parrying, which felt a bit awkward at times. 

Also, I saw you added shockwaves during the healing animation to stop the character from taking damage, I'd say you could make that last a fraction of a second longer than the animation. That way you don't get hit by attacks right as you finish healing. With the 2nd boss arrows, if I didn't spam dodge after parrying an arrow, most of the time I'd get hit by an arrow right as I left the healing animation.

Overall, it's an amazing game, one of the best I've tried so far, great job!


Thanks so much for the in-depth feedback, it's truly helpful. Very valid points, will do them tweaks to the game. Thanks again! ๐Ÿ˜„


One of the best entries for sure. The only things I would criticize are that the dash seems a bit redundant with the shield as both are defensive options and work kind of the same way for all bosses, and that the fights are a bit too slow, it would be better if they were more dynamic. I'm not sure if it really fits the theme, I don't really see an exchange thing, but it's definitely an excellent game.

Awesome work!

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback! I definitely wanted more depth to the combat by having options, and the slide /dash is also a nod to one of the inspirations to this game, which is Vanquish by Platinum Games. On another note, I might have gone too far with the hitstops, I knew I shouldn't be using them all the time as it does make the fighting slow. I'll have to remind myself of that again, thanks for doing so! ๐Ÿ˜„ As for the theme, it's more of a "replace" mechanic, as you would trade damaging blows into health restoration w/ a perfectly timed block. I guess I just couldn't stop thinking of the term "exchanging blows". But anyhow, thank you for trying the game out, I really appreciate it! ๐Ÿ™


amazing game overall with well balanced mechanic ,great control and beautiful design . overlooking some POV problem that happen sometimes this might be the best game in this jam


I quite enjoyed the graphics and animations.


Pretty fun, I liked how the less hp you have, the weaker you are. The bosses have pretty interesting pattern and they are fun to fight. But the healing animation was a bit annoying. With the second boss I could get hit if I parried the first arrow. Otherwise, the game looks pretty good and the animations are pretty smooth.


Haha, yeah, I was worried someone will find the healing animation a bit too long. At first I was 50/50 on using that. But it kinda grew on me, and just made shockwaves that destroy projectiles/attacks during that animation.


Loved most of the gameplay slow rotation was a bit weird. Jam wise. great vibes


DAMN sick art! Nice gameplay as well, The player's turning is a little weird (which makes parrying a bit of a problem) but other than that this game is DOPE.


Thanks for the feedback, yeah I do find the turning a bit slow and sometimes it also turns to the wrong direction when parrying, will definitely improve it. Thanks again! ๐Ÿ˜„


So juicy game with amazing graphic. For 1 month is 5/5 so goooood. You are one of the most amazing game on this jam.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Good quality game, good models, beautiful graphics, bosses are well designed. I just like attack and dash. Not very good at defending lol Everything is perfect. I'd also like you to rate my game if you're interested.


Realy good game!


Great game! Protagonist design are quite cool and dynamic colouring of blade is really neat touch. Controls are really responsive but some attacks of the bosses have a poor tracking (like an arrow burst on second and blade swing-wave on third) so you can just stand in them all the time, especially on the second stage.
But besides that, the game is pretty fun and quick so great job!


Thank you for playing and feedback! That's quite interesting to hear. The bosses actually track the player up until the point of attack, so you'll get hit if you just stand in front of them, unless you parry of course. I believe that's how it works in Souls games. But yeah, I do think the bosses still need some more work, I only had one day to do them all ๐Ÿ˜ญ. 


All bosses are so interesting ans cool. Game polished and feels good


That games looks and feels very polished! The designs remind me of Code Geass' mecha designs. The player character is very badass! I beat all three bosses. Archer one is my favorite! I myself prefer faster fights, with bosses dealing a lot of damage but also taking lots of damage. First boss I did a lot of parrying which felt great. Archer one I mainly rushed through but had to parry those kicks. And for the last one I dodged more. I like that I had to use different strategies to beat them all. Overall very balanced game and an enjoyable experience. The whole UI and Art feels very professional too. Good job!


Very smooth and polished. This is one of the top notch competitors here.


The animations are incredibly smooth! What a cool game! ;D


I love this game >.<


THIS GAME IS AMAZING!! all the bosses are really cool, and it feels super good to attack the bosses and parry their attacks, and it overall just feels great to play the game. Great job!


Glad you liked it! Warms my heart, thank you for playing & beating the game! ๐Ÿ˜„