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A jam submission

Rogue BotsView game page

Fight through all the Executives and Managers, to defeat the Z.E.O.
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
USE OF THEME#104.0834.083
BOSS DESIGN#223.7503.750
SOUNDS / MUSIC#233.7503.750
ART / VISUALS#354.0834.083

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game's take on the theme
Bosses and your robots have something called a 'chip', this chip can be exchanged, for example your robot gives his chip to the boss and the boss gives the chip to the robot. The chips can give effects to the one holding it, some positive, some negative. For example: Move faster in combat but deal less damage. Exchanging will also give your character energy which is needed to attack, so it's highly recommended to exchange once in a while.

Did your team create the vast majority of art and music during the game jam?
Yes, all art and music was done during the jam.

Did your game use PlusMusic?

Did your game use Playroom?

Did your game use generative AI art?

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Love the art style, music and humor, but the main gameplay after the computer boss gets hella repetitive and the last boss is really rushed jugging by the attacks and the story panels before the last two bosses, ending was funny.

Good game, but chips on the all bosses after first are weaker in my opinion comparetably the first set of two so the exchange mechanic really missed me here.

Would love to see more!


The bosses chips and yours are actually randomized every single playthrough!

And yeah, the last boss was really rushed, we had to do a lot of bug fixing, and errors that crashed the game.

Thanks for playing :)

Cool game, excellent trading mechanics, music also deserves attention


Such a cool artstyle, really great job.

The starting cutscene needs some audio balancing, my ears were shocked lol.


Oozing with charm. I almost died at the last cutscene before the credits. The exchange mechanic is really well fleshed out and I used it a lot during combat. The 2.5 D style works great and gives a dynamic feel to the combat. Feels like jet set radio inspired sometimes. The only negative (and it's a minor one) is having to change between keyboard and mouse, I feel like this should be all keyboard. Overall one of the best games I have seen this jam. I would say good luck, but you guys don't need it.


thank you so much for the feedback!


Art style and music are so good. Remind me of Roboquest. Well done!


Art style and music are great and the theme mechanic was really engaging! Comic strips in between fights were very funny but I would like to be able to click through them manually. The attacks where you have to move on a grid were neat. One of the better games I've tried, amazing!


Ok I hope there is enough space for everything i have to say. This game is AMAZING.  First off the Artwork is fantastic, unique and gives the game a nice immersive feel. The music was great i felt so pumped up. I really enjoyed the use of the theme it is one of the, if not the Best use I've seen. I enjoy turn base combat but the addition of the "mini games" as the enemy attack takes away the worse part of that battle system making it so you don't feel like your just helplessly getting pummeled. This game felt like a complete game. Thank you for all the hard work your team put into it. 

P.S. Cats in the credits hilarious and awesome.


Such a polished game! WOWW! Good job :D

I really like the design of this game, both the visuals and characters.