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Zombie survival game
Submitted by MunchDuster123 — 2 days, 12 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall experience#293.3133.313
Creativity/game design#592.8752.875

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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It was really simple and got boring a little bit half way through. I couldn't really see my bullets to tell what I was shooting at but the animations and graphics were good.


Thanks for playing! I appreciate your honesty and agree that there needs to be more than shot and open doors. I think giving players a secondary thing to do would add some variance and make it less boring. (If you have any ideas, I'm all ears) 

Just a thought, would more  types  of  weapons, zombies, new maps, etc fill that gap or at least help with it?




Too scary :(

Developer (4 edits)

 What was the scariest part? (sfx, animations, models, map, lighting, colors, damage, jump scares, etc)
Any ideas to make it less scary? 

I want to make a game that isn't too scary for pretty much everyone (age +12 roughly) . Maybe I could even add some settings to control the spookiness like (mild, spooky, creepy and nightmare modes) which would affect the mentioned factors above to allow the player to have a better, more suited experience.


Haha, nah I was just joking bro. It was a pretty fun experience. 


Pretty cool game. I've only seen like two other 3D games this jam, so that's pretty rare. Graphics and sound were quite good, though the zombie animations do feel a little stiff, especially when you kill them.

The game is quite frustrating, though. There's no reticule, so picking up the gun at the start is way harder than it has to be, same with aiming without the guns' sights. There's also nothing telling you you can use the gun's sights, so I just spent most of my first attempts whiffing shots and getting annoyed that the death screen just goes "lmao aiming good means you don't die"

The grenades also feel completely worthless since they take too long to explode. By the time they do the horde moved away from it and you just waste a grenade. Reloading also takes way too long and you just get killed immediately if you're cornered and need to reload, though I do concede that's probably intentional.

The entrances to the areas you need to unlock also aren't obvious, so I spent my first playthroughs not realizing they were there because the text that pops up was being blocked by a headphone stand I had. It's a bad idea to make progression like that not immediately clear, especially since I spent most of that time thinking I was just bad at the game. I also don't know if there's any ammo to pick up, but if there were it was easily missable as well.

There's also no feedback on taking damage, having low health, or damaging zombies, so I sometimes just died randomly and didn't understand why. I think it might've been my own grenades, but without the feedback and jumping directly to the death screen I wasn't sure.

It's overall a very solid entry, but I'd only play it again once it's a lot more polished.

Developer (5 edits) (+1)

Thank you for playing! Thank you even more for the detailed and in-depth feedback! I really appreciate it! 

  • I will add a tutorial (teach controls),  onto the to-do list. 
  • Adding a reticule has been suggested by other players, and I agree that its a good idea. 
  • Also some way that highlights the next door or gives some indication where to go. 
  • The reload time is pretty slow (now that you mention it), 
  • I should improve the map so that it more naturally makes camping difficult. 
  • Player receiving damage indication was high on the to-do list but didn't make it in time (no excuse not to add it later), 
  • some sort of system where the zombies flinch when shot makes sense. 
  • Yes, the grenades take too long explode, easy fix (3s to 2s) and maybe increase drag on ground so that it doesn't roll too far. 

Note: the grenades also show that the zombies move too fast and the map first room is too big.

  • Some variance + improvement to the death of the zombies.
  •  Also when the player dies, some sort of 3rd person slowed-down view to show what happened after death will help understand (means I need to make a player model)

[I'll make a devlog when thing major changes have been made]


Thanks for taking the time to do an in-depth reply, too! Funnily enough, thanks to how fast and how many zombies there were I found camping basically impossible, I spent more time just being swarmed instead, especially in the later areas.


This game has amazing atmosphere and the music fits incredibly well. This game could easily be expanded into a zombie survival game. Incredibly well done!!!!!! :D


Thanks for appreciating the music! Its probably the single most difficult thing to get right in my opinion. This is the first time I have made music that changes as the game progresses. I do plan to continue working on this and hopefully even add LAN multiplayer so that I/you can play with friends. I hope to add other zombies, maps, weapons and etc. (Every time I think I'm going to work on a game after the jam, my motivation seems to die instantly when the jam ends, so you might need to remind me.) also btw I use Netcode for GameObjects (introduction and tutorial by CodeMonkey) and I'm looking into using Unity DOTS to really optimize the game (introduction and tutorial by CodeMonkey)


I really liked the game and thought it looked really polished.


Thanks! I have previously made 3 FPS games, so I knew how to get things going fast, before starting I made a planning doc (link here) to plan out the gameplay and map. Some things were left out and the the economy spreadsheet (link here) didn't get used at all. When I was playtesting, I wanted the game to take a while to finish and be hard enough that finishing was an accomplishment, but I made it really difficult in terms of ammo (not enough). Also baked lighting really makes the game map feel more detailed. Even though the baking had issues (some objects having clear seams / random dark and light spots) it gave a worn out and unused feel to the airport, which worked out for the theme of the map.


The game is very cool, i love the animations and sound. The guns seem to have suprresor lol, but i like it.

Only two things:

  • I get you didn't put it to force to point, but when you get trapped you want to shoot a lot and run, and i missed a crosshair there. That is my opinnion, it isn't game breaking tho.
  • The one thing i missed is more feedback on the hits, some sound, shake or maybe particle. The zombies only die and i didn't know how long had been taken to do so, or even if i was hitting them or not.

But i really like the game, i feel like it's an awesome submission to the jam, and the artstyle looks very very good.

(if you made the animations yourself i have to say that they're awesome, if not, good choice :))


I have a love-hate relationship with animations, so I'm really happy that you like them (I made them). I did get feedback from my playtesters that a crosshair would have been nice  but I didn't add it (mistake). I did try to add a sound when you hit the zombies but it mostly just blended in with the gun firing sound. I agree that since shooting zombies is like the main thing, I should have added more feedback and even made it more satisfying with more effects. Thanks for playing, I spent like 8-10 hrs a day on it for the 3 days.


The four colours are green, grey, very dark grey and blue anything else is a result of lighting or post processing.