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ExortView game page

Survive in the spaces between
Submitted by ELAiNE — 3 hours, 20 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Is the graphics 1 bit?#1004.7864.786

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Outstanding re-translation of Ikaruga's color swapping, wonderful stage music too, I think this might be my favorite game from the jam, I wish I played it during voting :')


really good game

I made a top ten video of the games from this jam. (Spoiler alert, this game is in it)

If you like the video, please feel free to share it :)

Check it out!


Thank you! There are a few games in your video that I haven’t played yet; I’ll have to try them out!


It's fun, challenging, and feels good to play. It looks spectacular, giving you cool and intricate bullet hell patterns in a 1-bit style. The music choice is also really good.

The only suggestion I have (aside from just more) is that the difficulty spikes once the patterns become based around melding together to switch colors/destroy themselves. It might be better to introduce easier patterns with this design before getting to the more difficult ones. Also it might be better to have the "warning" icon show up a little earlier than it does for some attacks as it doesn't give you a whole lot of time to react. As the game is designed though, it doesn't detract from the game too much as dying doesn't feel bad.

I really liked the feeling of completing each challenge, especially when I ended up dying to a pattern several times. I also really liked the small portion that had timed switches on the player. It was like a small rhythm section which was cool.

I really enjoyed this entry, great job!


Thank you for the very thoughtful feedback! I think you’re exactly right about the difficulty spike; because the xor drawing is the central conceit, it deserved a little more thought about how it’s introduced.

I also agree with the warning sign; it was added early on and never refined as well as it needed to be, and there are a couple of patterns where it’s really needed but is missing entirely.

The rhythm game pattern went through the most revisions for difficulty, so I’m really glad to hear it worked!


Cool idea and really nice attack patterns! Would be cool when the player is completely invisible when being of the wrong color.


So cool. I had a blast!

VERY interesting game. Cool idea and well executed. The music is awesome. And I loved the sneaky work around on the color limitation.

Great job!


Sometimes it's too hard for me to react to the rapid changes. I try to avoid switching and use the speed boost to dash through the bullets.

Very unique concept, and I love the minimalism. Nicely done!


EXCELLENT! one of my favorites. wow there's so much going on. and the graze points..  juicy

Awesome game!  Awesome music!


at first, I thought it was a simple little game ... at first ...

it's really fun, energetic and the difficulty curve is very well designed.


This is awesome! The gameplay felt so smooth and enjoyable to play! Great job with making this game!


Well done. Nice game. Glad to have played it


Well done. Nice game. Glad to have played it


dude, this is a good game! i really liked it, the gameplay is really nice :D