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Fantasy Powered by the Apocalypse

A selection of some fantasy games Powered by the Apocalypse or Forged in the Dark for all of your adventure-seeking needs. I'll write blurbs for it all at some point, maybe?

An Anthology of Resources for Fantasy PbtA Games
The end of the land of Death is coming, but it can be stopped…

Court Of The Lich Queen is a GMless roleplaying game for 4-6 players. You take on the role of Representatives to the Court of The Lich Queen, working together to complete Rituals that will save the world, trying to hold back the disasters befalling your Realms.

Open-Source Fantasy PbtA

Uncommon World is a fantasy roleplaying game designed to be compatible with nearly 400 third-party Dungeon World playbooks, 165 compendium classes, 8,000 monsters, 600 supplements, and 100 adventure starters, while updating the system’s core moves with what has been learned over the past decade.

A Weird adventure for World of Dungeons

In Noctis Labyrinth a red desert encompasses the known world. Only one bastion of civilization remains, Cardea, the last refuge of humanity; a city held together by a tyrannical ruler and the feeble alliances of a its rival factions. The characters—adventurers, rebels and outcasts—are pushed towards the barren lands searching for treasure and the artifacts of ancient civilizations, deeply buried inside a maze-like series of canyons and tunnels that scar the Red Desert.

A mash-up of Monsterhearts and Dungeon World, focusing on homeless teenage monsters
Come Great • Come Small • Come Revelers All
In a fairy tale land, your reavers are the last who can hear its vanished god's voice.
OSR procedures for adventure campaigns built on world of dungeons
A game of incredible and fallible characters, the way they approach the world around them, and the burdens they carry.

This is my own take on the PbtA engine and I'm still working on it. I'd say it's close to completion now.

The tabletop RPG inspired by Miyazaki and the cooking choas of Overcooked.
A massive expansion and toolkit for the Ironsworn tabletop roleplaying game.

Delve is a HUGE supplement to Ironsworn, but I'd say it holds its own strength as an add on to other fantasy games, especially PbtA/FitD games.

Play the story of the first superhero in an ancient battle between good and evil
an uncomplicated fantasy role-playing game

An incredible World of Dungeons hack. I personally don't like the Vancian magic system, but it's not any less good because of it, it's just my taste.

A Rules-Lite Game of Postcolonial Revenge
Wyld Witches and their covens taking on entrenched power structures in a dark modern day setting.
Play As A Folklore Oddity!
Blades in the Dark meet Dungeon World
supplemental moves for dungeonpunk
A one-page TTRPG system for solo or coop games

This is pretty nice on how minimal it is.

A Tabletop Roleplaying Game Zine
Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a roleplaying game for telling queer stories with friends.

TSL is such an incredible game and it has such a wide adaptability range!

A tabletop RPG designed for one shots and short campaigns
a solo tabletop rpg of perilous quests in an MMO
An RPG where you play as people who transform into weapons to fight their inner demons.
Robin Hood vs. Vampires. Mask up. Spill blood. Drink the Rich.

Can't be any more metal than this game, to be fair: hunt vampires, wear fey masks and attempt revolution through arms.

A tabletop RPG of perilous quests for solo, co-op, and guided play
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