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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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lol I was not expecting someone making a gameplay video of this game, thanks a lot man xD! So I will keep working on adding more content so you will be able to enjoy more of the game =D

Hey thanks for the comment! Yeah a lot of people suggested this too. So stay tuned that probably in about a month I will be launching a new version with new things and fixes =D

Hey thanks for the feedback glad you liked it! Yeah I'm planning with keep developing the game, so of course a save system for this kind of game will be needed =D

Hey thanks for the comment! Yeah a lot of people talked about the background, I'm probably gonna fix it and other few things other than adding new content =D

Hey thanks for the feedback! This game was made in 72h for a game jam. So after the rate periode I'm planning on fixing all the issues and add new things to the game =D

Yeah I agree! Since I made this game for a game jam in 72h I couldn't fix that in time. But after the rate periode I'm planning on update everything that people have suggested. And thanks for the comment =D

Thanks! =D

Couldn't make in time for the jam, but if I continue working on the project certainly will add one =D