Submissions open from 2024-06-21 22:00:00 to 2024-08-25 22:00:00
Starts in

Welcome to the Trans Representation Jam 2024!

This is a two months long GameJam celebrating Trans Representation in gaming!


Get inspired! Here's a look at 22 and 23's entries !


The Trans Representation Game Jam is a non ranked Jam without any pressure; just have fun making a cool game! The purpose of this jam is to create more games that have trans representation in them in a chill environment. Feel free to @TransRepJam and use the #transrepjam when posting about your games and work in progresses if you use  twitter! Alternatively, you can also join our Discord and share your progress there :)



The theme is all about  trans representation! That means at least one major character in your game has to be Transgender or a major part of the story has to be about the trans experience. There are no further themes that you have to incorporate, but there is an optional element for this year you can incorporate if you want to; Presenting the unicorn shark, definitely not based on a character from a somewhat big furniture store! 

As a little easter egg, you can incorporate one of these pictures somewhere in your game, or make your own version of the little guy! This is completely optional, but I'd love to see some creative ways this little sharkicorn could show up in your game😊

Here is a link to download the pictures:



✧ You have to finish and upload the game/ a demo of your game within the jam period

✧ You can continue/ finish development on a game that you've already started working on before the start of the jam

✧ Games that have already finished development before the jam may only be submitted if you release a major content update for the game within the jam period

✧ Your game has to feature trans representation,  that should be referenced or acknowledged within the game or in the game description to an appropriate amount. (More in the Q&A)

✧ Be respectful and informed. Games endorsing any form of racism, ableism, homophobia or transphobia are not allowed.  

✧ Any games containing AI-generated content will be removed from the jam submissions. This includes painted-over. If you try to pass off your game as non-ai generated and we find out that you lied, you will be furthermore banned from participating in future TRJs. (Lying means that you are aware of the fact that you're breaking a rule and are trying to fool us. If you use AI on accident or were not aware of this rule and own up to your mistake that's something else. Your game will still not be accepted for the jam until all AI content has been removed, but you may rejoin in future jams.)

✧ If your game deals with topics that some may find uncomfortable, please include a content warning screen.

And most importantly:

✧ Have fun!




Q: Is there a discord?

A: Yes!


Q: Is there a hashtag that I can use to post my work?

A: The hashtag is #transrepjam. Please also @ the twitter account of TRJ so we can retweet your post! :) 


Q: Can I submit my game to other jams aswell?

A: Sure! As long as it still abides by all the rules :)


Q: Can I submit a ttrpg/tabletop/card game?

A: Yes. Any game allowed!


Q: Can I use assets that aren't mine?

A: Aslong as the assets are not AI, yes. But make sure you have the rights to use them and properly credit any third party assets that you use (unless they do not require you to)


Q: What if I'm not sure if an asset pack I aquired is AI?

A: You can either join the discord, or open a thread on this jam page to ask about the Asset pack. We'll take a look and let you know, if it is AI created or not.


Q: Can I work in a team?

A: Yes! 


Q: Where can I find a team?

A: You could post about it in the community-tab or join our discord to find someone!


Q: May I submit more than one game?

A: As many as you want!


Q: Why can I start on my submission before the jam starts? Doesn't this defeat the purpose of a jam?

A: Since this jam doesn't have a theme besides trans representation, it would be impossible to verify that none of the submissions were worked on before the jam started anyway. It's also an unranked jam so there aren't any stakes in the first place. This jam is mostly here to encourage developers to finish their games and to inspire more trans characters and stories being told through gaming. :)


Q: What does "trans representation should be referenced to an appropriate amount" mean?

A: It means that we need to know for sure that your game was made with trans representation in mind. Every year a lot of completely irrelevant games get submitted to the jam and we just need to have some way of telling if your game belongs as part of this jam or not. In the past 2 years it was required to have some kind of clear reference to the trans elements in the game, be it visual or part of the text, but in consideration of less visible representation, a proper nod to it in the game description will also suffice. (If you already have it referenced in the game, you don't need to reference it in the description as well, only if you'd like to) If you need help setting up your game page once it is ready, feel free to ask in the discord !


Q: Can I make a NSFW game?

A: Yes, if it is properly tagged as such. If the game is found to be exploitative or fetishizing towards trans people, it will be disqualified from the jam and the developer may be banned from participating in further TRJs depending on the severity of their work.