Submissions open from 2024-05-31 12:00:00 to 2024-06-14 16:00:00
Submissions due in
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We’re challenging you to push your limits.
Take part in the journey with us to skill up and build your own most desired experiences.

Game Jam Theme

The theme for the jam is "100 Lines Limited"
You will have a maximum of 100 lines to create your ENTIRE game. The game can be about anything and everything. This challenge will teach you to expand on simple ideas and find uniqueness through simplicity. You'll also learn to optimize and use your resources wisely.

Voting and Categories

Winners will be voted and chosen by you, the community!
You'll be focusing on rating the games based on these categories:


Creative: How you managed to creatively target the theme.

Aesthetics: How well does the game utilize its visual style and how appealing is it.

Gameplay: How did the game flow, did it have tight controls, what was your experience while playing.



  • The theme for the jam will be revealed on Friday, May 31st (Start of jam)!

Voting and Categories

  • Voting will open on Friday, June 7th and close on Monday, June 17th.
  • Voting will be done within

Game Requirements

  • Create a game based on the theme.
  • Only free or legally obtained assets may be used. Ensure all assets comply with licensing agreements.

Team Requirements

  • You can work as a solo developer or in a team of up to 3. Don't have a team? Come join our Discord!

Submission Requirements

  • The game project must be started and fully completed within the Game Jam's designated period: [Friday, May 31st - Friday, June 14th]
  • Submit your game through
Join Discord

Be sure to join our Discord to stay updated and ask any questions that you may have!

Check out our YouTube! Where we will be streaming and uploading events such as this one!
Want to follow up on any new events and updates? Check out our Instagram!

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Q: Do I need to have experience to join the game jam?

No experience is necessary! Game jams are a great opportunity to learn and improve your skills.

Q: If someone is just giving ideas for a team does that make them a team member?

Yes, anyone contributing to the game development process, including ideation, is considered a team member.

Q: Are bug testers considered team members?

Yes. Testers are actively participating in the game development process.

Q: What engine should I be using?

You can use any game engine you prefer. Popular choices include Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, and GameMaker Studio.

Anything you make during the SkillUp Game Jam is your property. UpSkill claims no rights or ownership of your game. By submitting a game to the SkillUp Game Jam, you agree that the game may be used by UpSkill (or any of the listed contributors) in a YouTube video without your further consent or permission.

Submitted so far(1)

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