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does anybody has this problem with the loot looker plugin?

A topic by RockieRocker created 43 days ago Views: 57 Replies: 1
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I'm trying to connect the plugin to unity (with "add package from git URL")  but it shows this error:

[Package Manager Window] Error adding package:

Unable to add package []:

  No 'git' executable was found. Please install Git on your system then restart Unity and Unity Hub

UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ().

(1 edit)

It sounds like you need to install git on your computer:

Git - Downloads (

Otherwise, grab a .unitypackage file from here Release Lootlocker_UnitySDKv2.1.5 · lootlocker/unity-sdk · GitHub

Then just drop that into your project.

Notice those files are named for which version of Unity you're using