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Share Your Projects: Original Systems Sticky

A topic by casskdesigns created Mar 16, 2019 Views: 6,189 Replies: 44
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Paratype is a game about surviving a post-apocalyptic world by fighting giant bugs. The system is semi-crunchy with mutant bug powers & can run in long or short term campaigns! Currently working on creating a proper pre-made module for in book :>

Modern Mythology-  A superpunk game combing the near future and superheroes.

Do y'all like player shenanigans? do you also think that "it's so crazy it just might work" is a mechanically underserved part of tabletop gaming? Do you like the flavor of Gamma World but don't care too much for the cumbersome mechanics? Do you like the idea of nobody waiting for a players turn to do something? Do you believe that Sasquatch should be a player class? If you are weird like me, I got your back.

Check it out please, give feedback please. You think it stinks? tell me why. You see an obvious thing that I missed because I spent too much time starring at the Docs? Tell me. I need all the help I can get.

Very excited to announce the release of Brightknife, a push-your-luck d6 TTRPG. 70 pages of indie OSR-style goodness with pill bug goblins, quick character creation, lovely art, and a system that encourages roleplaying and clever problem solving.

  • Zero-prep play: generate a campaign with your players at the table using the tools in the book.
  • Complete campaign included!
  • Customize (or randomly generate!) a character from 12 character backgrounds, 6 talents, 26 spells, and 4 weapon categories.
  • Six-sided dice only, for every Roll, Save, and table.

Thanks for taking a look!

Through The Cracks

An index-card based  urban fantasy TTRPG with a focus on mystery and discovery. Built for 1 DM and 2-4 players. I had a focus on unique, highly specific classes when making this game, of which there are 26.

Rapture Roleplay System ( Big Red Ugly Edition) offers players a compromise between rules-light, exciting action and conceptually crunchier story-centric games, with deeper characters without resorting to hundreds of pages of rules, overly complex mechanics, and dozen-page character sheets. While this game does offer a system for tabletop roleplaying, Rapture also offers a number of specific gameplay opportunities: Sandbox philosophies, balanced roleplaying opportunities, and collaboration between players and their referee.

Pre-Order Here:

Oceania 2084 - the Orwellian TTRPG

Core rules:

Solo expansion:

What is Oceania 2084? 

In gamer-lingo, the game is an asymmetric, adversarial storytelling game with a heavy focus on social gameplay and stealth. The game is designed for 3-8 players. It is a game about resistance despite unimaginably bad odds and finding small glimmers of hope even when things seem impossibly bleak.

The Setting

The game is heavily inspired by the book "Nineteen Eighty-Four" (1949) by George Orwell, which is a dystopian illustration of the life of Winston Smith under totalitarian bureaucracy and a world that does not allow for individualism. It also takes some inspiration from "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley and "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Instead of trying to make a game that is an imitation of Orwell's vision the game takes place in The City which is left unnamed and largely undefined. The City will be yours to create, collectively imagine, and explore. What is defined are what types of areas exist in all versions of The City, and a way to determine the personality of the city. Directly inspired by Orwell are the existing state structures: the Ministries, Big Brother,  and the Party. These will play a big part in all sessions of the game as they are integral parts of the rules for the Big Brother player.  

Mechanics and systems

An unconventional take on collaborative storytelling.  The game is an asymmetrical adversarial game, with player characters on one side of the conflict and one player taking the role of "Big Brother" effectively being the antagonist of the game.  The actions of one side enable actions from the other side, according to a rule-based point system. There is no traditional conflict resolution system, where you roll a die to achieve something. Instead, the game is balanced through a system of risk and reward and strategic usage of resources.  This doesn't mean that you will not be rolling dice, there are a lot of situations and rules that use and rely on die rolling. 

The game is inspired by rogue-likes, Red Carnations on a black grave, Lasers & Feelings, Vampire the Masquerade, PbtA, A Thousand Year Old Vampire, and Paranoia among other things.

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