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Can't install app in Manjaro Linux, stuck at the captcha screen

A topic by Clino created Mar 18, 2022 Views: 2,202 Replies: 10
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(1 edit) (+1)

Well, the title says it all, when installing the app in Manjaro, just after the connection screen, i get stuck on the captcha screen, the screen is entirely black and i can't enter the captcha. 

I tried reinstalling the app (and deleting the ~/.config/itch folder) but it occurs again :(

Do you have any idea how i could resolve this issue ?
Thanks a lot !!!

[Edit] The captcha screen :

Launching Itch in the terminal :


Try launching with --no-sandbox enabled. I had pretty much the same problem (minus the captcha part) and it worked for me.


Has this seriously not been fixed yet?


Having the same issue.

Same issue on Ubuntu 22.04, unable to see the Captcha.

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--no-sandbox hasn't helped me :/

Same issue.

It's literally always Linux's fault each time someone struggles to use the app.

TBH they should probably fix their app because it would be frustrating if I installed it on Linux.

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Saw the same issue here, and Leaf answered:

Basically “we won’t fix because 2FA is a workaround”, not the answer I wanted to hear.

I’m just here wondering if I should bother adding support for this app. I guess not.

Yeah so I tried installing itch on my steam deck and the issue persists. I hope the devs will finally fix it or else I'll just stay with steam and never touch itch again as the launcher has been broken for years.

still not fixed ^.^