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Forum Suggestions Sticky

A topic by NovaAtom created Dec 01, 2015 Views: 15,415 Replies: 140
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When you reach the bottom of the page, besides the first page/next page links, we should have a link that lead us back to the corresponding sub forum OR a button to jump back to top. It's annoying having to scroll back to the top of the page if we want to return to see another thread on the sub forum.

in Feed tab, add made using ? game engine ? , x64, and optional timezone now gmt/utc+1 img, and add a gif only imagesofgame on hover shows the info, show state of game release update add invite collaborate team wishes: grphics, gameplay, sound, lang, style that could be customized loadung bundle or level scene, weekscores

Projects to collaborate topic, make team based games and let itch users to share game sources and than build latest version of games, but once a project topic post (inside sub forum: grapics, programming, sounds, concept design - with notify updated partial source and complete build). 


I write very long tutorials in the 2D Art forum section and sometimes I wish I can save a post as a draft to continue writing later, so having a way to save posts as drafts would be nice. That's my little suggestion! 👍


Looks like Taro’s Search in forum feature was implemented since (remember to add IMPLEMENTED in front of it in the list).

I’d like to add an improvement: make “All words” the default search mode, instead of “Exact Phrase”. “Exact Phrase” made me miss many threads as I expected it to search individual words by default, as in most search engines. User could switch to Exact Phrase, or use the classic approach of surrounding words with double quotes to force exact match.


Just gonna add on that “Private messaging feature. (Also suggested by HAL 9001)” is something I would really like. Specifically for hosting a game jam, it would let users share their personal contact info (usually a discord @ ) without fear of it being public. I’m finding that participants in my jam are expecting a discord server to supplement the forum capabilities on itch, and with just a few tweaks I think it would make a decent replacement, at least for finding a team and getting initial collaboration information figured out.


I noticed the same thing on the jams I took part to. If devs are worried about too much DM spamming, we could make a conservative system where user A must whitelist user B to allow incoming DMs from user B (at which time B will automatically whitelist A to reply). It would have the drawback or making message exchanges slightly slower, as B would not be able to immediately DM A, but if A is really looking for people to recruit / teams to be recruited, they’ll probably check notifications, see B’s reply “hey, I’m interested, here is my portfolio, and I’ll send you my Discord ID in DM when you whitelist me” and whitelist B.

But a good anti-spam / trust system can also do the trick. Personally I was contacted my people on Reddit exactly when they had something to tell me about one of my posts, and was never annoyed by spammers (I think? If it happened I must have reported and blocked them in a breeze, so I don’t even remember).

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