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TTRPG User/Creator Introductions Sticky

A topic by Zeshio created Mar 16, 2019 Views: 11,273 Replies: 164
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Hello, my name is Iris. I'm a writer and artist when the fancy strikes me

I've been writing homebrew for nearly fifteen years, but I've only just put out my first project to be seen by anyone other than my immediate friends. It's called Seeking Sunlight, and it's a dungeon crawler about building and protecting a town in a world that is just one huge dungeon stretching out in all directions.

Seeking Sunlight by Iris the Nazgul (


Dang, I love worlds that are just one huge dungeon stretching out in all directions!


Hey, all 

I started posting games to Itchio about a year ago, but I'm just getting around to an introduction.  I go by Xosh (him/them), but folks might know me better as M. Belanger. I'm US based & a crusty old GenX goth.  

When I'm not writing or running games, I'm making books like the Dictionary of Demons or working with Osbourne Media on one of their paranormal shows.  I've done contract work for WotC, run Mind's Eye Theater LARPs in the World of Darkness at Origins & GenCon (back in the 90s when all of that was shiny and new), and written for Onyx Path, among others. 

Like a lot of you, I started gaming when I was quite young. A program at school introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons when I was nine & I've been hooked on RPGs ever since.

I favor horror and Gothic genres - like my latest offering here on Itchio, Lonely House, which is a hybrid novella and journaling game. In the past year, I've been really getting into writing one and two-page mini-games like my post-zombie apocalypse piece REMAINS.  There's a lot of freedom in creating indie games, especially ones that exist only as downloadable PDFs (for example, I can't think of a single company I've written for over the years that would have allowed me to create something so irrepressibly queer as Midnight's Kiss). Indie games can be short and sweet and quirky and exist simply for the sake of existing. I love it.

Anyway, I have to talk too much about myself for my day job, so I'll leave it at that. I like this space and am happy to have a place to share my work.


I'm Andrew (He/Him). I've worked on and subsequently abandoned a couple different systems before managing to complete my first one. I enjoy magic system development and speculative evolution. I'll respond most readily here on Itch.


Good day everyone!

My name's Bee.  This is my first post here.  I grew up with TTRPGs as my family were nerds from the 70s/80s.  I don't know what system I first started on but I've dipped around many.  AD&D to 5E, Call of Cthulhu, FFG Star Wars, Ryuutama, Shadowrun, GURPS, Savage Worlds, 7th Sea, and many more.  I've played for decades now and I still love the hobby just as much as when I began.

I've been working on a system since around 2015, so almost 10 years.  Initially it was kind of a side-project as I played other campaigns, but I began to fully immerse myself in the creative process around 2019 and it's taken off considerably since then.  I'm currently playtesting it with my local crew, but I thought I'd start trying to find a way to get feedback on a larger scale.  I thought might be a good place to do so!  So I'm looking for advice on how I can better it, even if only one other person ever plays it.  I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

Hey everyone, just found this thread and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Ross, and I am a TTRPG developer. In 2022, I released Lofi Bards To Study And Relax To, and I'm currently working on my new game 'Warped: A Manic Multiversal TTRPG'! The core premise of ‘Warped’ is that you don’t just play a single character. Each Player plays as a team of alternate universe variants of their own character, each with their own powers and abilities. Throughout your missions, you will switch between these Multiversal Forms, using their abilities to fight off your opponents, surpass your obstacles and achieve your goals. Nothing is off the table, meaning your adventuring party can contain everything from a Werewolf to a Cyberpunk and a man Made of Ice Cream. It’s wacky and bizarre, but that’s reflective of the chaotic Multiverse itself!

If you want to check out my work, you can download the 'Warped' demo for free!


Hello! My name is Anton, I'm from Russia. I am not a professional artist, but I have a great desire to become one. I am a fast learner and, with the appropriate support, I can master any complex graphics programs. I've been doing a completely different job for most of my life. Now I want to fulfill my dream and start doing what I love. I really love creating New Worlds, creating unique characters, costumes, objects, and environments - from illustrations to short stories. I really like the themes of fantasy, science fiction and the post-apocalyptic world. I really want to find a job in the gaming or animation field.

I am looking for financial support in order to create!I have several projects that can be implemented as comics, as books, as cartoons or even games!

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